3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes 非扫描版
2022-05-18 09:42:51 12.84MB 3D Engine
Title: 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes Author: Kevin Ring, Patrick Cozzi Length: 520 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: A K Peters/CRC Press Publication Date: 2011-06-24 ISBN-10: 1568817118 ISBN-13: 9781568817118 Supported with code examples and the authors’ real-world experience, this book offers the first guide to engine design and rendering algorithms for virtual globe applications like Google Earth and NASA World Wind. The content is also useful for general graphics and games, especially planet and massive-world engines. With pragmatic advice throughout, it is essential reading for practitioners, researchers, and hobbyists in these areas, and can be used as a text for a special topics course in computer graphics. Topics covered include: Rendering globes, planet-sized terrain, and vector data Multithread resource management Out-of-core algorithms Shader-based renderer design Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Math Foundations Chapter 3. Renderer Design Chapter 4. Globe Rendering Chapter 5. Vertex Transform Precision Chapter 6. Depth Buffer Precision Chapter 7. Vector Data and Polylines Chapter 8. Polygons Chapter 9. Billboards Chapter 10. Exploiting Parallelism in Resource Preparation Chapter 11. Terrain Basics Chapter 12. Massive-Terrain Rendering Chapter 13. Geometry Clipmapping Chapter 14. Chunked LOD Appendix A. Implementing a Message Queue
2022-02-15 11:49:58 15.29MB 3D Engine Design
有效的3D引擎 渲染系统使用的OpenGL及OpenGL ES,Windows上的OpenGL ES使用AMD的ES模拟器。 环境部署 Win32环境配置 编辑器 将proj_win32/RenderSystem/gles_renderSystem/GLES/dll中的dll文件proj_win32/bin/Editor到proj_win32/bin/Editor中。 将proj_win32/RenderSystem/opengl_renderSystem/glew2.1.0/bin/Release/Win32中的dll文件proj_win32/bin/Editor到proj_win32/bi
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一个跨平台的 3D 渲染库。
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3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes原版书籍,对三维GIS感兴趣的朋友可以研究一下
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完整版3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes,作者Patrick Cozzi/ Kevin Ring, 、
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国外的irrlicht书籍,全英文的,作者Aung Sithu Kyaw、Johannes Stein。书上用的是Irrlicht1.7,目前最新的1.8跟它完全兼容。
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