通过本字体文件可以生成各种39条形码。 想做条形码的朋友可以尝试一下。 Font: Free 3 of 9 Barcode Created By: Matthew Welch E-Mail: matt@squaregear.net Web Address: http://www.squaregear.net/fonts/ My fonts are all free. You can use them for personal or commercial projects, and I ask for no money. I would, however, love to hear from you. If you use my fonts for something please e-mail me letting me know how you used it. Send me a copy if you can or let me know where I can find your work. You are under no obligation to do this, I just like to see how my fonts get used. A license.txt file should have been included with this font, explaining the license under which it is made available. You can also read it at: http://www.squaregear.net/fonts/license.shtml About the font: Can you believe there are people who would charge you for a barcode font like this? It took very little time to make this so I thought I'd donate it to the world. It is suitable for scanning even at fairly small point sizes. I have tested printed copies of this font with a couple different scanners and it worked perfectly. This is 3 of 9 (sometimes called "code 39"), a widely used barcode standard that includes capital letters, numbers, and several symbols. This is not the barcode for UPC's (universal price codes) found on products at the store. However, most kinds of barcode scanners will recognize 3 of 9 just fine. To create a valid 3 of 9 barcode you have to begin and end it with a special character. Scanners look for this character to know where to start and stop reading the barcode. It is represented in this font with the '*' character. So, to create a barcode for the text "ABC123" you have to type out "*ABC123*". Note that barcode readers will not include the *'s in the text they return. They will just give you the "ABC123". Two versions of 3 of 9 are included. The font called "Free 3 of 9" is the basic 3 of 9 standard. It includes letters and these symbols: $ % + - . and /. The font called "Free 3 of 9 Extended"
2021-06-15 20:44:23 5KB free3of9 39条码字体 barcode 免费
77种条码字体,其中29种是39条码字体,包括纯条码字体,和下端带有数字、字符显示的条码字体。 里面的很多字体已经经过验证,可以通过在打印出来后用扫描枪识别,可在水晶报表等报表系统中、word中使用。 首先安装条码字体,然后在word中或者报表系统中,将字体设置成条码字体,这样显示出来的就是条码了。 字体安装,在win7中打开字体文件,直接点击安装按钮;在xp中,通过控制面板选“字体”安装,或者直接拖动到windows的字体目录中。
2019-12-22 20:10:10 505KB 39条码 code39 条码 条形码