2022-02-11 18:02:17 7.28MB 研究报告
2022-02-11 18:01:52 1.84MB 研究报告
2022-02-09 10:01:55 14.13MB 研究报告
2022-01-19 14:02:16 1.2MB 2021 美国
2022-01-06 12:00:44 167KB 网络文档
Terrain To Mesh 2021 is new rebuild, upgraded and improved version of Terrain To Mesh which is on the market since 2015. Owners of the old (now deprecated) Terrain To Mesh can use price reduced upgrade option. ———————————- Tool for converting Unity Terrain into a mesh. Offers: • Ultra fast converter. • Full vertex count control for generated mesh. • Mesh split system. • 16 and 32 bits mesh support. • Splatmap shader – imitating Unity built-in terrain shader with 16 layers support. • Basemap exporter – bakes all terrain paint textures into one texture file. • Tree, grass and detail mesh exporter. • Holesmap exporter. • Terrain to OBJ exporter. • Editor and run-time API. • Supports all render pipelines. Have questions? Forum. Support and bug report: support@amazingassets.world Before purchasing check documentation for better understanding how tool works and what limitations it has. Terrain To OBJ and All Terrain Textures can be purchased separately too. ———————————- Note: • Scripts are packed in dll. • Tool works only with Unity TerrainData object and exports mesh, textures and materials only from it. Custom terrain shaders and tree/grass placement assets may not be fully supported. • Holes in mesh are supported as Alpha Cutout effect using shaders – the same way as it is done by Unity terrain system.
2021-11-01 20:05:38 99B unity
RedisDesktopManager 2021.5 for Windows
2021-07-21 20:06:47 33.25MB redis rredis deskop manager
RDM 2021.5_内含windows和mac M1版本
2021-07-16 12:01:58 85.96MB rdm
RDM redis manager windows
2021-07-09 14:06:49 33.25MB RDM redis manager windows
2021-07-07 09:01:50 5.8MB 碳交易 白皮书