华为HG532e固件升级2016最新版固件B017-- HG532eV100R001C02B017
2022-05-21 23:00:15 3.54MB B017 华为HG532e
GB-T_28181-2016公共安全视频监控联网系统信息传输、交换、控制技术要求-最新版.zip 本标准规定了公共安全视频监控联网系统(以下简称联网系统)的互联结构,传输、交换、控制的基本要求和安全性要求,以及控制、传输流程和协议接口等技术要求。 本标准适用于公共安全视频监控联网系统的方案设计、系统检测、验收以及与之相关的设备研发、生产。
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从官网获取的DLNA协议最新版,也可以到官网自行下载。https://www.dlna.org/guidelines/ 输入相关信息后就出现下载列表。
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ISO 15765-2 2016最新版本的,ISO 15765-2 2016最新版本的
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华为HG532e固件升级2016最新版固件B017-- HG532eV100R001C02B017
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run-jetty-run eclipse插件 离线安装包 Eclipse中Install New Software 然后Add -> Archive,选择该包安装即可 该插件为2016年1月份的release版,支持eclipse Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3), Juno (4.2, 3.8) 支持Jetty7, Jetty8, jetty9, Servlet3
2020-10-21 23:51:46 20.25MB eclipse jetty run-jetty
"Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis" M H Alsuwaiyel 2016 | ISBN-10: 9814723649 | 572 pages 算法设计技巧与分析[2016] 英文版 Problem solving is an essential part of every scientific discipline. It has two components: (1) problem identification and formulation, and (2) the solution to the formulated problem. One can solve a problem on its own using ad hoc techniques or by following techniques that have produced efficient solutions to similar problems. This requires the understanding of various algorithm design techniques, how and when to use them to formulate solutions, and the context appropriate for each of them.Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis advocates the study of algorithm design by presenting the most useful techniques and illustrating them with numerous examples — emphasizing on design techniques in problem solving rather than algorithms topics like searching and sorting. Algorithmic analysis in connection with example algorithms are explored in detail. Each technique or strategy is covered in its own chapter through numerous examples of problems and their algorithms.Readers will be equipped with problem solving tools needed in advanced courses or research in science and engineering.
2019-12-21 21:26:45 3.36MB Algorithms 算法
基于matlab 的 a/d ,d/a 的仿真分析,免去了前期的苦力活。
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