ShipConstructor 2008破解文件
2023-10-18 10:35:16 184KB SC 2008破解文件
SuperMap Deskpro 2008破解
2023-06-27 04:07:51 1.94MB SuperMap Deskpro 2008
机械设计2008 在 WIN7 、win8 64位系统安装BDE补丁后全部同打开。
2023-01-17 10:42:19 12.57MB 机械设计 BDE补丁
可破解64位windows server2008 和windows2008 r2,可破解非mbr格式磁盘,亲测。使用前请看说明。
2022-10-31 11:48:28 8.64MB 2008r2破解 gpt破解 非mbr破解 64位2008破解
supermap 2008 破解版 正版一套要好几万,现在正式向大家提供破解版,网上基本上很难找到的
2022-05-30 15:15:58 1015KB 破解版
绝对好用。。。 1.将sanctuary.jar和sanct8.jar复制到 JBuilder2008\jbuilder\eclipse\plugins\com.codegear.sanctuary.client.core_8.0.0.v20080318_1828 覆盖原有的文件。 2.jb2008.slip复制到 JBuilder2008\onfiguration_JBuilder\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\1302\1\.cp\com\codegear\jbuilder\license\license\ 覆盖原有的文件。 重新启动JBuilder 2008,OK!!! CodeGear JBuilder 2008 1.2.0_v20080331_2137 Enterprise activation crack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow these instructions precisely and there's good chance that you will succeed in "activating" the app. $JB2008_HOME in paths below references the JBuilder installation directory (where the product is.) 1. Download and install JBuilder 2008 Enterprise trial. That's going to take some time... and then a bit more... :) 2. Launch the app and wait until the activation dialog comes up. Click Cancel at this point and the app will exit saying that it won't run without a serial. As if we care... 3. Copy included sanct8.jar and sanctuary.jar into $JB2008_HOME/jbuilder/eclipse/plugins/com.codegear.sanctuary.client.core_8.0.0.v20080318_1828/ overwriting the files there (backup original files first if you feel unsafe.) 4. Copy included jb2008.slip file into (yeah, very long path...) $JB2008_HOME/configuration_JBuilder/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/1302/1/.cp/com/codegear/jbuilder/license/license/ overwriting the file there (backup original file first if you feel unsafe.) If you can't find the file at this location, search for *.slip in $JB2008_HOME/configuration_JBuilder/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/, the bundle path may change from install to install. Launch the app again and verify that you see Permanent license for JBuilder 2008 Enterprise in CodeGear Licensing window and no activation dialogs. About box should display Permanent license. Test it to your heart's content and see if everything works as expected. If anything goes wrong - well, tough luck. Just restore the backups you made in steps 3 and 4 and continue your 14 day trial. However, if you are successful, then Congratulations! You successfully overcame CodeGear's futile attempt to protect their intellectual property, violated applicable copyright laws and stripped CodeGear from some revenue. Sit back and relax, authorities will come for you shortly. Maybe... :) Oh, and if you can't follow the instructions above precisely and things don't work for you - tough luck either, but I don't think that a person who can't overwrite a few files should be using the product anyway... ;) Regards, /mg 换装JBuilder 2008 注册问题折腾了半天,分享一下。 1.装好JBuilder 2008启动出现: JBuilder 2008 License Registration Please specify a valid serial number to register your CodeGear product. 取消-退出了。 2.将网上找到的“Jbuilder2008 破解文件”中将“sanctuary.jar”覆盖过去。 启动,可以用,但重新打开工程时,出现 Error creating the view. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProduct.discoverProduct( at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProduct.createSanctuaryProduct( at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProductDiscovery.completePlatformProductInitialization( 应该是破解不完全造成的。感慨:网上的一些误人啊... 3.又到网上Google中找找,在一外国网站中找到这个破解文件。 完全实现破解,因些特意发布与大家共享一下。 感谢CodeGear 。
2021-12-31 11:53:50 1.35MB java JBuilder 2008 破解文件
本版本ADS2008可用于学习徐兴福写的教程 破解方法在压缩包中。
2021-11-10 09:00:32 497KB ADS 2008,破解,说明
复制到 [安装盘符]:\Program Files\SuperMap\SuperMap Deskpro 2008\Bin 目录下,覆盖原有的文件即可
2021-11-01 15:37:29 1.33MB SuperMapDeskpro 2008 破解
2021-09-10 09:04:30 40.59MB 水晶 易表 Xcelsius Engage
1、从官网下载30天试用版中文安装包。下载地址: 2.点击安装包setup文件,安装有可能提示“需要安装offic xp以上版本.......”什么的错误提示(office2010的问题,其他版本没关系),不要紧,接下来得步骤可以解决office版本检测的问题。 双击"Xcelsius 与Office2010 兼容补丁.reg"写入注册表,重新进行安装就会跳过版本检测了。 3、使用序列号CC515-86JA2K6-000N05T-90NW,安装完水晶易表2008不要急于运行程序,将破解补丁(文件【易表】)中的两个文件拷贝到指定位置进行覆盖。 Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\keydecoder.dll Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\Xcelsius.exe 覆盖之后启动水晶易表。 4、启动后会弹出序列号错误或过期的对话框,让你重新输入序列号,从网上找到的解决方法:不是这个序列号不能用,可能是软件和系统内的安全软件冲突了,把相应的注册表键值写权限只给了SYSTEM,包括管理员在内的所有用户只有读权限,注册码写不进去。打开注册表编辑器,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0,在Suite 12.0上右键,选权限,然后选到主要用户(比如管理员),把“完全控制”的允许项勾上就行了。之后再到那个注册框填入注册码就可以了。(序列号:CFKOA-YOTTM2M-OOUFAFF-N43M) 5、启动水晶易表2008,任意修改系统时间,如果以上操作没问题你可能已经顺利的使用上此款软件了。但有可能你安装的中文,使用时变成了英文。那么你还要进行一些操作,重新找回中文界面。 将安装目录Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius下的Xcelsius_en.dll删除或者改名,将Xcelsius_zh_CN.dll改为Xcelsius_en.dll。再打开程序就是中文界面了。
2021-07-06 19:44:51 1.63MB 水晶易表2008 破解步骤