2023-09-15 08:16:22 6.59MB 1st JavaScript Editor Pro
Explore and create intelligent systems using cutting-edge deep learning techniques Implement deep learning algorithms and work with revolutionary libraries in Python Get real-world examples and easy-to-follow tutorials on Theano, TensorFlow, H2O and more
2023-08-03 23:05:38 4.82MB deep learning
颜色分类leetcode xview2 第一名解决方案 “xView2:评估建筑损坏”挑战的第一名解决方案。 解决方案介绍 使用此环境开发的解决方案: Python 3(基于Anaconda安装) Pytorch 1.1.0+ 和 torchvision 0.3.0+ 英伟达顶点 硬件:当前的训练批量大小至少需要 2 个 GPU,每个 GPU 为 12GB。 (最初在 Titan V GPU 上训练)。 对于 1 GPU 批量大小和学习率应该在实践中找到并相应地改变。 竞赛数据集中的“train”、“tier3”和“test”文件夹应放在当前文件夹中。 使用“train.sh”脚本来训练所有模型。 (在 2 个 GPU 上约 7 天)。 要生成预测/提交文件,请使用“predict.sh”。 “evaluation-docker-container”文件夹包含用于对保留集(CPU 版本)进行最终评估的 docker 容器的代码。 训练模型 此处提供经过训练的模型权重: (请注意:代码是在比赛期间开发的,旨在对不同的模型进行单独的实验。因此,按原样发布,没有额外的重构以提供完全的训练重现
2023-04-14 23:10:08 116KB 系统开源
You don’t need to be a wizard to transform a game you like into a game you love. Imagine if you could give your favorite PC game a more informative heads-up display or instantly collect all that loot from your latest epic battle.Bring your knowledge of Windows-based development and memory management, and Game Hacking will teach you what you need to become a true game hacker. Learn the basics, like reverse engineering, assembly code analysis, programmatic memory manipulation, and code injection, and hone your new skills with hands-on example code and practice binaries.Level up as you learn how to:,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2023-01-21 20:55:31 4.33MB 英文
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are currently recognized as the most suitable platform for the implementation of complex digital systems targeting an increasing number of industrial electronics applications. They cover a huge variety of application areas, such as: aerospace, food industry, art, industrial automation, automotive, biomedicine, process control, military, logistics, power electronics, chemistry, sensor networks, robotics, ultrasound, security, and artificial vision. This book first presents the basic architectures of the devices to familiarize the reader with the fundamentals of FPGAs before identifying and discussing new resources that extend the ability of the devices to solve problems in new application domains. Design methodologies are discussed and application examples are included for some of these domains, e.g., mechatronics, robotics, and power systems.
2023-01-11 17:39:10 4.07MB fpga 嵌入式
(解压密码 share.weimo.info)The study of network theory is a highly interdisciplinary field, which has emerged as a major topic of interest in various disciplines ranging from physics and mathematics, to biology and sociology. This book promotes the diverse nature of the study of complex networks by balancing the needs of students from very different backgrounds. It references the most commonly used concepts in network theory, provides examples of their applications in solving practical problems, and clear indications on how to analyse their results.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2022-12-14 19:29:30 5.3MB 英文
Fundamentals of Python First Programs (1st Edition) 课件资源及代码,含PPT文件,注意都是英文的
2022-08-29 20:55:25 24.28MB Python
《Python for Data Analysis(1st edition)》第九章最后一个图,美国选举数据的地图显示,译者表示代码没有调通,本人Python小白一枚,参考了诸多网上资料后实现,附件中包含美国各州的shapefile文件和书中相应数据文件,win10下Anaconda,Python3.7.6版本,需安装basemap等库,此致!
2022-06-13 04:50:28 12.78MB Python 数据分析 源码 美国地图
android 1st-APAC-003-App-by-TomKao-ok
2022-05-02 09:06:18 1.87MB android
End to End GUI Development with Qt5: Develop cross-platform applications with modern UIs using the powerful Qt framework, the 1st edition.
2022-03-31 17:26:51 18.46MB GUI Qt5 QML