一共有36个工具 里面的工具真的是包罗万象 日常生活的方方面面它都为你考虑清楚 然后集成在一个工具箱中 里面的工具超全 有尺子、水平仪、速度、手电筒、声音、位置、距离、秒表、指南针、放大镜、镜子、量角器、翻译器、金属探测器等等 非常多的工具
2022-10-07 09:05:42 12.97MB Smart_Tools_Pro_
2021-12-27 09:54:31 245KB libcurl
主要介绍了Python 3 利用 Dlib 19.7 实现摄像头人脸识别 ,利用python开发,借助Dlib库捕获摄像头中的人脸,提取人脸特征,通过计算欧氏距离来和预存的人脸特征进行对比,达到人脸识别的目的,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
2021-09-29 10:02:37 934KB Python3 Dlib 19.7 人脸识别
Python零基础10天进阶班【19flask搭建search engine(上)】
2021-09-28 09:04:28 61.51MB python
2021-08-20 01:03:11 13.87MB Delphi 皮肤控件
Database2Sharp代码生成工具19.7已注册版本(纯净注册版),下载打开可以直接用。 关于Database2Sharp的介绍:是一款主要用于C#代码以及数据库文档生成的工具,软件支持Oracle、SqlServer、MySql、Access、Sqlite等数据库的代码生成,可以生成各种架构代码、生成Winform界面代码、Web界面代码、导出数据库文档、浏览数据库架构、查询数据、生成Sql脚本等,还整合自定义模板和数据库信息的引擎,方便编写自定义模板调试和开发。 介绍:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuhuacong/archive/2012/10/20/27
2021-07-22 21:06:04 50.29MB Database2Sharp代码
2021-06-14 14:38:28 450KB jsvm;svc
H.264svc最新官方软件,版本号9.19.7,原版无修改。 JSVM_9_18 -> JSVM_9_19 ====================== changes: - correction of scaling matrix selection - support of 2nd chroma QP offset - support of monochrome High profile decoding - correction of slice group change cycle parsing - remove assertion when non-supported SEIs are received - correction of MMCO 3 for field pictures - correction of POC setting for MMCO 5 - correction of NumClockTS setting - correction of profile_level_idc setting in SEI (reported on 29.10.2009 by Thomas Gambier) - correction of POC mode 2 decoding (reported on 11.09.2009 by Emmanuel Weber and later by Danny Hong) - correction of residual condition for 8x8 blocks (reported on 07.09.2009 by Shivakumar Udupa) - correction of VLC parsing for MGS fragments (reported on 23.09.2009 by Stefan Eckard) - correction of residual data handling in inter-intra combination (reported on 28.09.2009 by Stefan Eckard) - correction of loop filter conditions (reported on 24.09.2009 by Stefan Eckard) - removed unnecessary deblocking (reported on 01.07.2009 by Steve Gordon) - correction of rate output for PAFF (reported on 09.07.2009 by Rashad Jillani) - correction of reference chroma QP setting in rewrite mode (reported on 09.07.2009 by Shinjan Tiwary) - correction of SPS setting for MGS enhancements of spatial layers (reported on 11.09.2009 by Stefan Eckard) - correction of decoding of incomplete layer representation in rewrite mode
2021-04-26 19:46:11 2.05MB H.264 SVC JSVM 最新版本
这是用CMake编译好的dlib库,用到Visual Studio2017里,,配置一下,可以直接用。搜到这个资源的你,相信你知道dlib是用来干嘛的。以上。
2021-04-16 23:52:48 157.00MB dlib face