The Minimal CD will download packages from online archives at installation time instead of providing them on the install CD itself. Downloading packages at install time reduces the size of the install CD to approximately 5 to 30MB depending on architecture (see below), as well as providing only the packages needed for installation. The download time savings achieved by using a Minimal CD can be significant, as only current packages are downloaded, so there is no need to upgrade packages immediately after installation. The Minimal CD uses a text-based installer like the Alternate CD, making the CD image as compact as possible.
2023-02-22 16:57:13 23MB ubuntu 11.04 mini iso
新版阻抗计算软件Polar Si9000_v11.04,和谐文件就不发了,自己想办法吧
2021-08-12 14:07:37 18.62MB 阻抗计算 Si9000 v11.04
2021-04-15 13:01:36 38.01MB 仿真
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