使用 Lyapunov Drift-Plus-Penalty 技术的随机网络优化
2022-02-11 14:44:44 3KB matlab
包括各种queue stability的定义,不同的随机排队网络模型,最小drift网络控制算法设计原理以及Lyapunov drift系统分析。
2019-12-21 20:40:48 1.66MB 网络优化
This text is written to teach the theory of Lyapunov drift and Lyapunov optimization for stochastic network optimization. It assumes only that the reader is familiar with basic probability concepts (such as expectations and the law of large numbers). Familiarity with Markov chains and with standard (non-stochastic) optimization is useful but not required. A variety of examples and simulation results are given to illustrate the main concepts. Diverse problem set questions (several with example solutions) are also given. These questions and examples were developed over several years for use in the stochastic network optimization course taught by the author. They include topics of wireless opportunistic scheduling, multi-hop routing, network coding for maximum throughput, distortion-aware data compression, energy-constrained and delay-constrained queueing, dynamic decision making for maximum profit, and more.
2019-12-21 20:18:34 1.39MB 随机网络优化