描述:使用Shader将图片进行水平/竖直镜像翻转 资源类型:unitypackage,导入即可使用 内容: 包含shader,material,示例场景 可以在运行时自主对图形进行水平或者竖直镜像翻转,也可同时水平和竖直镜像翻转 对unity版本没有太高要求。 Shader中使用顶点着色器,首先坐标转换成UV坐标,然后使用使用镜像公式对坐标进行镜像处理。 Description: Use Shader to horizontally/vertically mirror and flip the image Resource type: Unitypackage, can be imported and used immediately Content: Including shaders, materials, and sample scenes It is possible to autonomously mirror and flip graphics horizontally or vertically during runtime, as well as simultane
2024-06-18 09:36:23 143KB unity
Simple Mirror Animation Unity动画镜像翻转插件,Mirroring character animations should not just be a Mecanim only feature. With the Simple Mirror Animation asset, legacy character animation mirroring is now possible. No need for extra animation clips, mirroring is done at runtime without any extra overhead or performance cost. This saves not only the burden of creating extra clips, it also reduces build size as a result. Have a weapon parented to your character? Simple Mirror Animation will even mirror parented objects as well!
2022-04-06 17:19:16 185.26MB Simple Mirror An unity
针对数字图像版权中的复制粘贴篡改问题,提出FI-SURF (flip invariant SURF)算法。研究了当图像经过镜像翻转后SURF (speeded-up robust features)特征描述符的排列变化关系。提取SURF特征点后,将其特征描述符重新排序,即使复制粘贴区域经过镜像翻转,对应的特征点依然可以进行匹配。实验证明,FI-SURF算法在保留SURF算法运算速度快、顽健性强等优点的前提下,可有效检测出经过镜像翻转的复制粘贴区域,计算出复制粘贴区域的轮廓。
2022-02-19 10:05:15 1.74MB SURF 特征点 图像取证 镜像翻转
主要为大家详细介绍了Java OpenCV实现图像镜像翻转效果,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
2021-11-25 20:21:30 23B