本次实验设计了一个学生管理系统。学生管理系统对数据的存储可以是顺序结构,也可以是链式结构。由于顺序结构存储时用的是一段连续的存储空间,不适合存储大量的信息量,因此本人使用单链表的数据结构来对学生的信息进行管理。本次课程设计中,学生的信息分为了四大项,分别是学生的学号、姓名、年龄、成绩,这四项一起作为链表节点的数据部分。本次数据结构课程设计摒弃了传统的面向过程程序设计思想(如C程序设计),引进了当今比较流行的程序设计理念:面向对象(如C++程序设计)。这使得程序的各个功能更加模块化,系统化,用类把成员变量和成员方法封装起来,使开发变得更有效率,结构更加清晰。 关键词: 学生信息管理,链式存储结构,面向对象程序设计 Student Information Management System LIling (Oriental Institute of Science and Technology College,Class3) Abstract: The experimental design of a student management system. Student management system for data storage may be the order of the structure, it could be a chain structure. As the structure of the store when the order is for a period of storage space, not suitable for storing large amount of information, so I use a single list of the data structure to the students of information management. The curriculum design, student information has been divided into four categories, namely, students, name, age, the results of these four nodes together as a list of some of the data. The data structure of the curriculum design to abandon the traditional process-oriented programming ideas (such as the C programming), today introduced a more popular programming ideas: object-oriented (such as C + + programming). This program features all the more modular, systematic, with the members of the class of members of the variables and methods of packaging, so that the development of more efficient, more clear structure. Key words: student information management, chain store structure, object-oriented programming 导入语:学生信息管理分为了九大项:链表的创建、输出、插入、删除、查询、显示学生总数、按照成绩排序、显示不及格的人数、退出系统。 一、需求分析 学生信息管理系统是现实生活中比较常见的系统,它主要负责对学生信息的管理。 学生管理系统所要解决的问题是: (1)建立一个学生管理的链表 (2)数据的插入 (3)数据的删除 (4)信息的显示 (5)信息的查找 (6)学生总数的显示 (7)根据学生的成绩进行排序 (8)统计不及格的人数并显示出来