2023-06-29 14:51:03 22.74MB 金融建模 excel
Emanuel Derman was a quantitative analyst (Quant) at Goldman Sachs, one of the financial engineers whose mathematical models became crucial for Wall Street. The reliance investors put on such quantitative analysis was catastrophic for the economy, setting off the ongoing string of financial crises that began with the mortgage market in 2007 and continues through today. Here Derman looks at why people-- bankers in particular --still put so much faith in these models, and why it's a terrible mistake to do so.Though financial models imitate the style of physics and employ the language of mathematics, ultimately they deal with human beings. There is a fundamental difference between the aims and potential achievements of physics and those of finance. In physics, theories aim for a description of reality; in finance, at best, models can shoot only for a simplistic and very limited approximation to it. When we make a model involving human beings, we are trying to force the ugly stepsister's foot into Cinderella's pretty glass slipper. It doesn't fit without cutting off some of the essential parts. Physicists and economists have been too enthusiastic to acknowledge the limits of their equations in the sphere of human behavior--which of course is what economics is all about. Models.Behaving.Badly includes a personal account of Derman's childhood encounters with failed models--the oppressions of apartheid and the utopia of the kibbutz. He describes his experience as a physicist on Wall Street, the models quants generated, the benefits they brought and the problems, practical and ethical, they caused. Derman takes a close look at what a model is, and then highlights the differences between the successes of modeling in physics and its failures in economics. Describing the collapse of the subprime mortgage CDO market in 2007, Derman urges us to stop the naïve reliance on these models, and offers suggestions for mending them. This is a fascinating, lyrical, and very human look behind the curtain at the intersection between mathematics and human nature.
2022-03-25 20:38:44 1.48MB 金融模型 经济危机
Heston模型是最流行的用于期权定价的随机波动率模型之一,用于测量金融市场中不同参数的波动率。 在这项工作中,我们研究偏微分方程对Heston模型的统计分析。 Heston提出的模型考虑了资产收益的非对数正态分布,杠杆效应以及波动率的重要均值回复性。 我们根据相关参数和波动率的不同值对收益分布进行了分析,然后针对不同情况(例如ρ> 0,σ> 0,ρ> 0)测量参数ρ(相关系数)和σ(标准偏差)的影响。 ρ= 0,σ= 0,ρ<0,σ<0等等。关于Heston模型的收益分布,该模型指示买卖双方买卖期权的市场状况。 该分析中使用的所有求解器均使用MATLAB代码实现,并且仿真结果以图形方式显示。
2021-05-10 16:38:24 18.44MB Matlab 金融模型 大数据 数据挖掘
2021-02-23 16:03:43 6.21MB 股票组合 金融衍生品
Teradata 金融数据模型FS-LDM。它是一个成熟产品,在一个集成的模型内支持保险、银行及证券,包含十大主题:当事人、产品、协议、事件、资产、财务、机构、地域、营销、渠道。
2019-12-21 21:17:57 5.81MB 金融 模型 PDF文档