Fast mesh simplification via edge collapsing This project contains an implementation of a "multiple choice" mesh simplfication algorithm. Over a number of iterations a random fraction of the total edges in the supplied mesh are processed with a subset of these processed edges collapsed (the lowest scoring collapses win when a collision occurs). The only non-standard dependency is the qef_simd.h single file header which you can find in my "qef" project, a version is also included here.
2022-07-11 16:09:16 38.76MB mesh simplificat 网格简化 快速网格简化
2021-09-25 19:03:52 2.22MB GPU 处理器 数据处理 参考文献
mesh简化,网格简化。使用基于二次型矩阵的边折叠算法,进行边删除。 C++实现。 VS2010亲测可用
2019-12-21 18:55:39 12.59MB 边折叠 边删除