ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international or
2023-02-24 10:24:28 1.88MB ISO 车载协议
车载协议盒通用串口协议调试工具,工具波特率固定38400,可打开串口1-6 功能: 1.自动封帧添加校验发送。 2.接收到完整帧且校验成功显示数据。 3.接收到完整帧自动应答,校验成功应答0xFF,否则应答0xF0, 4.接收数据自动保存cvs格式文件 数据帧结构 数据顺序 数据内容 备注 1 Head Code Fix to 0x2e 2 Data Type 参见下表Data Type定义 3 Length 数据长度 4 Data 0 数据内容 5 Data 1 6 Data 2 …. Data n n Checksum 校验和SUM(Data Type,Length,Data 0….Data n)︿0xFF 该为QT在WinXP下开发,本人在XP、win7上使用正常,不保证其他系统有差异不能使用
2021-06-22 15:00:07 1.12MB IEBUS 车载协议 功放