Q: How do I use it? A: Open the checkra1n app, and follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode. Hax happens auto-magically from that point and the device will boot into jailbroken mode. If you reboot the device without checkra1n, it will revert to stock iOS, and you will not be able to
2021-10-19 07:41:10 9.17MB 越狱iOS14
Unc0ver 6.1.1更新发布,支持越狱iOS14.3,支持iPhone12
2021-04-08 09:13:02 55.93MB ios iphone 苹果手机
checkra1n 0.12 修改版 普通的越狱可以使用官方版本,这个修改版本可以用于 IOS 14.0~14.2的屏幕锁/已停用 报-20 的越狱 具体的使用方法见玄烨品果的网站
2021-01-28 00:46:00 8.63MB checkra1n 越狱 IOS14