用于Unity3d 2017及以上版本 查找筛查资源引用
2021-11-24 09:01:52 3.93MB Unity3d 资源引用
2021-11-18 17:05:44 1.11MB Unity FR2 资源引用
Unity工程,查看资源引用情况,用于优化项目资源,降低资源文件冗余。 压缩包内含 Find Reference 2_2.4.3.unitypackage Unity资源包文件
2021-09-09 13:11:35 1.1MB Unity FR2 资源引用 优化
查看资源引用情况的工具。版本2.4.3。 Optimize final build size and keep your project clean Beginner's Guide | Scene Reference's Guide What can FR2 do for me? 1. Reduce final build size how? 2. Remove all unused assets how? 3. Merge & remove duplicated assets how? 4. Split big project to smaller modules how? 5. Find where an asset being used how? Intro Video | Email | Documentation | Forum Features - Full support for Nested Prefab - Fuzzy search, asset type filter, asset grouping & sorting - Ignore folders, lock selection, multiple panels - Blazing fast - built for HUGE 100GB+ PROJECTS - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Works with Unity 5.x, 2017.x, 2018.x, 2019.x
2021-07-31 11:42:27 1.1MB Unity3D 资源引用
最新版Find Reference插件 一个用来查找资源引用和依赖的插件,通过缓存来保存资源间的引用信息,通过树状结构直观的展示 2. Remove all unused assets how?
2021-07-28 09:59:24 1.11MB Unity 查找资源引用 2.5.1
Apusic服务器解决数据源的资源引用 Apusic服务器下数据源的资源引用的解决办法