Bayes统计理论 基于经典统计方法的多传感器数据处理。 经典统计理论的两个特征: 不采用先验概率; 概率是一种类似频数的解释。 经典统计理论的基本原理:小概率原理。 经典统计理论的不足: 将被测参数看做一个固定值,没有充分利用其先验信息; 精度和信度是预定的,不依赖于样本。
2022-11-04 11:35:30 2.97MB 课件 数据采集 融合处理
这本书是古典统计理论的自学导论。 该材料适用于在没有统计学或概率的先验知识的情况下成功完成微积分一年课程的学生。
2022-03-24 18:06:14 26.74MB 数学
2021-11-08 09:54:50 10.69MB 辐射和光场 量子统计理论 PDF文件
Introduction to The Theory of Statistics 3rd Edition Moore, McCabe, Craig
2021-10-06 18:00:30 23.64MB 统计理论 导论
An Introduction to this Course Definitions & classifications of research, and research procedures The concept of variables Quantitative research design Questionnaire survey Item analysis,validity & reliability Data exploring Descriptive statistics Inferential statistics Writing a research proposal Reporting a research Research evaluation
2021-08-07 14:05:21 814KB 统计学 统计分析 SPSS 统计理论
Data sources: primary, secondary Objectives: descriptive, exploratory, correlational, explanatory Time for data collection: cross-sectional, longitudinal (panel, trend) Data types: qualitative, quantitative (survey, experimental) Primary: studies based on primary, or original, data sources, such as classroom observations or real students, or their test scores, or their responses to a questionnaire. Secondary: studies based on secondary sources such as other researhers’ books and articles, including library research and literature reviews. Descriptive: studies involving the collection of data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects of the study. Exploratory: studies conducted into an issue or problem where there are few or no earlier studies to refer to. The focus is on gaining insights and familiarity for later investigation. Correlational: The basic question for descriptive research is - "What are the values of a number of variables for a given sample of subjects. The basic research question for correlation research is - What is the relationship between two or more variables for a given set of subjects. Notice that we said relationship between variables and not the effect of one variable on another variable. In descriptive research we are just describing our subjects in terms of one or more variables, while in correlational research we are looking at the relationship between the variables. Correlational: The basic question for descriptive research is - "What are the values of a number of variables for a given sample of subjects. The basic research question for correlation research is - What is the relationship between two or more variables for a given set of subjects. Notice that we said relationship between variables and not the effect of one variable on another variable. In descriptive research we are just describing our subjects in terms of one or more variables, while in correlatio