1.身高预测系统的开发。 题目内容: 研究表明,人的身高与遗传因素有一定的关系。可以按照下面的公式,预测遗传身高(不考虑后天因素)。请据此设计一套身高预测系统,要求配有系统界面,可以支持用户选择性别。 男性成人时身高=(fa_Height + mo_Height)×0.54 cm 女性成人时身高=(fa_Height×0.923 + mo_Height) / 2 cm 这里fa_Height和mo_Height分别表示父亲和母亲的身高,单位均为cm。 以下为程序的运行结果示例1: ************************************* * Welcome to Use Height Prediction System * ************************************* Please choose the sex: 1. Female 2. Male Your choice is: 1↙ May I know your Surname? Ma↙ Hi, Miss Ma! Could you please input your mother’s height(cm): 153↙ Could you please input your father’s height(cm): 169↙ Your predicted height is 154cm Thank you for use our “Height Prediction System”! 以下为程序的运行结果示例2: ************************************* * Welcome to Use Height Prediction System * ************************************* Please choose the sex: 3. Female 4. Male Your choice is: 2↙ May I know your Surname? Li↙ Hi, Mr Li! Could you please input your mother’s height(cm): 162↙ Could you please input your father’s height(cm): 175↙ Your predicted height is 181 cm Thank you for use our “Height Prediction System”!
2022-05-29 12:03:18 1KB 练习,C语言,测试