2024-06-09 09:32:04 911KB 自然科学 论文
线性电路设计、模拟电子技术 Preface: This work is based on the work of many other individuals who have been involved with applications and Analog Devices since the company started in 1965. Much of the material that appears in this work is based on work that has appeared in other forms. My major job function in this case was one of editor. The list of people I would like to credit for doing the pioneering work include: Walt Kester, Walt Jung, Paul Brokaw, James Bryant, Chuck Kitchin, and many other members of Analog Devices technical community. In addition many others contributed to the production of this edition by helping out with the production of this book by providing invaluable assistance by proofreading and providing commentary. I especially want to thank Walt Kester, Bob Marwin and Judith Douville, who also did the indexing.
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