2022-04-30 23:58:57 2.4MB SyaML
SysML(Systems Modeling Language)是国外正在研究的一种新的系统建模语言,是为系统工程应用开发的标准建模语言。
2021-09-24 12:01:51 577KB SysML 系统建模语言
Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) 1.6.pdf The purpose of this International Standard is to specify the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering. Its intent is to specify the language so that systems engineering modelers may learn to apply and use SysML; modeling tool vendors may implement and support SysML; and both can provide feedback to improve future versions. Note that a definition of “system” and “systems engineering” can be found inISO/ IEC 15288. SysML reuses a subset of UML 2.5 and provides additional extensions to address the requirements in UML for SE. SysML uses the UML 2.5 extension mechanisms as further elaborated in Clause 17 as the primary mechanism to specify the extensions to UML 2.5. This revision of SysML relies on several new features incorporated into UML 2.5. Any use of the term “UML 2” or “UML” in this specification, unless otherwise noted, will refer to UML 2.5 in general and the UML 2.5 specification in particular. Since SysML uses UML 2.5 as its foundation, systems engineers modeling with SysML and software engineers modeling with UML 2.5 will be able to collaborate on models of software-intensive systems. This will improve communication among the various stakeholders who participate in the systems development process and promote interoperability among modeling tools. It is anticipated that SysML will be customized to model domain-specific applications, such as automotive, aerospace, communication, and information systems. SysML is designed to provide simple but powerful constructs for modeling a wide range of systems engineering problems. It is particularly effective in specifying requirements, structure, behavior, allocations, and constraints on system properties to support engineering analysis. The language is intended to support multiple processes and methods such as structured, object-oriented, and others, but each methodology may impose additional constraints
2021-06-18 12:24:58 11.99MB OMG 建模 架构
本文内容包括:SysML介绍SysML举例:RainSensingWiper环境图需求图用例图和测试用例下一个月注释本文来自于RationalEdge:这是一个三部分组成的系列文章中的第1部分,本文介绍了系统建模语言(SysML,一种对于产品和系统开发的通用的图形建模语言)。第1部分描述了SysML需求图、用例图和测试用例图。 今天的竞争压力和其他市场压力迫使发动机制造公司不断的改善其设计制造的产品和系统的效率。在产品生命周期中,缺乏效率支持的是概念阶段,而正是在这个阶段决定了功能架构(有时还包括物理架构)。概念阶段是把用户需求转变为产品功能和实际使用,在不考虑工程规则(例如,机械、电子、软件
2021-02-17 11:15:47 22.59MB SYSML