元数值 Meta.Numerics是一个用于.NET平台的高级数值计算库。 它提供了面向对象的API,用于数据处理,统计分析,高级功能,矩阵代数,傅立叶变换,高级功能,扩展精度算术和求解器功能,例如集成,优化和求根。 Meta.Numerics是David Wright的2008-2020年版权。 它是根据Microsoft公共许可证(BSD风格的开源许可证)获得许可的。 有关更多信息,请访问 。
2023-07-25 20:43:11 965KB statistics math dotnet optimization
中科大 矩阵代数习题答案,研究生10系开设课程。为在校期间获得的学习资料,仅供参考,如有侵权请联系删除。
2022-10-14 21:46:43 3.02MB
配套Harville的Matrix algebra from a statistician's perspective。 This book is a companion text to the author's main text on Matrix Algebra. The only way to master matrix algebra is by working through exercises. Most texts have exercises, but few offer solutions. Harville's main text is great because it offers proofs for most theorems. Others are left as an exercise. If we get stuck, we can check the solutions for these results and many more.
2021-09-07 00:06:31 77.14MB 矩阵代数
矩阵代数的书,以统计的视角出发,内容覆盖了统计中常用到的矩阵代数知识。 This book presents matrix algebra in a way that is well-suited for those with an interest in statistics or a related discipline. It provides thorough and unified coverage of the fundamental concepts along with the specialized topics encountered in areas of statistics such as linear statistical models and multivariate analysis. It includes a number of very useful results that have only been available from relatively obscure sources. Detailed proofs are provided for all results. The style and level of presentation are designed to make the contents accessible to a broad audience. The book is essentially self-contained, though it is best-suited for a reader who has had some previous exposure to matrices (of the kind that might be acquired in a beginning course on linear or matrix algebra). It includes exercises, it can serve as the primary text for a course on matrices or as a supplementary text in courses on such topics as linear statistical models or multivariate analysis, and it will be a valuable reference.
2021-06-03 10:35:46 3MB 矩阵代数
2021-05-14 09:52:51 317KB 矩阵代数 你学习矩阵的好帮手
中科大 研究生 矩阵代数 八年真题 2013~2020
2021-03-02 09:04:42 15.18MB 中国科大 研究生 矩阵代数 期末考试
本书内容依托于作者近年来的研究成果, 分为矩阵代数、控制理论、博弈论三个部分, 强调前沿性与探索性, 力图实现前沿数字与实际应用的交叉结合, 引领读者从基础概念进入学科前沿。
2020-01-18 03:12:43 67.19MB 矩阵 代数 线性代数 人工智能基础
2019-12-21 22:25:42 3.03MB 矩阵代数
《矩阵论札记》的核心主题是矩阵。矩阵理论又是代数和几何的完美结合。《矩阵论札记》在侧重矩阵代数的同时,强调了矩阵几何的应用,由此引出了矩阵空间、矩阵变换等。书中附录也可以给广大工程技术人员在工作中带来很大的方便。   梁昌洪编著的《矩阵论札记》适合理工科本科生和硕士、博士研究生学习使用,也可以作为相关专业的广大科技和工程人员的入门读物和工具书。《矩阵论札记》的核心主题是矩阵。矩阵理论又是代数和几何的完美结合。《矩阵论札记》在侧重矩阵代数的同时,强调了矩阵几何的应用,由此引出了矩阵空间、矩阵变换等。书中附录也可以给广大工程技术人员在工作中带来很大的方便。
2019-12-21 21:49:13 34.01MB 线性代数 梁昌洪 矩阵论 矩阵代数