设计了一套紧凑可靠的87Rb 原子干涉重力仪激光系统。该激光系统仅采用两台包含锥形放大器的半导体激光器作为光源,通过简单、巧妙的设置,实现原子干涉仪中所需的9 种频率的激光。系统中包含2 个电学伺服系统,用于实现激光的频率稳定和一对拉曼光的获得,其他频率激光均在2 束拉曼光的基础上通过声光调制器移频实现,满足对各束光的频率和功率的控制要求。整个系统设计紧凑,性能可靠。
2022-06-23 20:57:06 2.55MB 原子与分 拉曼激光 原子重力 激光冷却
A novel pre-collimating scheme in laser-focused chromium (Cr) atomic deposition is presented. It consists of three apertures, which are one main pre-collimating aperture at centre and two probing apertures with uniform dimension at both sides of the central one. The calculations show that the Cr ato
2021-02-10 16:05:22 542KB 铬原子束 激光冷却 激光准直 020.3320