3d gpu渲染管线基础知识,为了方便网页抓取保存上传
2022-11-13 17:33:30 4.74MB 3d gpu 渲染管线流程
2022-06-04 16:07:01 10KB unity AR阴影 urp
主要为大家详细介绍了OpenGL ES渲染管线的简单概述,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
2022-05-10 22:13:03 81KB OpenGL ES 渲染管线
Unity通用渲染管线的时间反激射 此时间抗锯齿包为Unity的Universal Render Pipeline提供了时间抗锯齿。 它会在整个渲染过程之前抖动相机的投影,从而可以对相邻帧之间的不同表面进行采样。 然后,可以使用提供的可脚本渲染管道的“体积”系统的“临时抗锯齿体积”组件启用“时间抗锯齿”遍历,以平滑透明渲染后获得更好的带限图像,该默认设置在“通用渲染管道”中受支持。 使用说明 打开您的项目清单文件( MyProject/Packages/manifest.json )。 将"com.xienaiwen.taa": "https://github.com/sienaiwun/T
2021-12-07 10:45:24 16KB unity srp urp taa
图形渲染管线是实时渲染的核心组件。渲染管线的功能是通过给定虚拟相机、3D场景物体 以及光源等场景要素来产生或者渲染一副2D的图像。如上图所示,场景中的3D物体通过管 线转变为屏幕上的2D图像。渲染管线是实时渲染的重要工具,实时渲染离不开渲染管线。 图形渲染管线主要包括两个功能:一是将物体3D坐标转变为屏幕空间2D坐标,二是为屏幕 每个像素点进行着色。渲染管线的一般流程如下图所示。分别是:顶点数据的输入、顶点 着色器、曲面细分过程、几何着色器、图元组装、裁剪剔除、光栅化、片段着色器以及混 合测试。我们会在后文对管线的各个阶段进行详细的介绍。
2021-11-15 15:34:55 11.18MB 图形学
2021-09-23 13:02:32 291KB c# wpf 管线流水 渲染管线
2021-09-10 15:05:06 14.8MB 渲染管线
Do you wish you had debug views in LWRP / URP? Do you wish it was easy to add custom debug views? That it was accessible in game view and in builds? URP Debug Views - A unique plugin that adds debug views support for LWRP / URP and more! TLDR URP Debug Views adds must have features for anyone that uses LWRP / URP: - most of the debug views from the built-in renderer (including Shaded Wireframe!) - works in scene view, game view and in builds - add your own debug view with a single shader Available debug views - Shaded Wireframe - World normals - World tangents - Shadow cascades - Overdraw - Vertex color R - Vertex color G - Vertex color B - Vertex color RGB - Vertex color A - UV0 Checker - UV1 Checker Available everywhere Debug views work in scene view, game view but also in builds. It has been tested on various PCs, Mac, Android and VR. Custom Adding custom debug views is very easy, a single shader is enough! You can then plug the newly created debug view in an editor menu, shortcuts or a custom in-game menu. Time saver Being able to check problems and iterate on them quickly is very important, especially if you are an indie game developper. "Why is this vertex color not working? Is the problem coming from the mesh, Unity or the shader?" "What is this visual bug, is it coming from the geometry or the textures?" Any of theses questions and many more can be answered in one click by using the correct view. Without any debug view, it can take 10 minutes, an hour, or more. Less time fixing problems means more time working on your game. Your time is important, value it! Full source code included! Support I'm dedicated to make this asset a must-have for LWRP / URP. I answer to email and do my best to fix bugs and implement feature request. Please don't hesitate to contact me for feedback, ideas or bug report at ph.graphics.unity@gmail.com You can also come and chat on Discord at https://discord.gg/ksURBah If you are not convinced yet, you can look at reviews for
2021-07-23 17:01:40 3.93MB Unity URP 通用渲染管线
2021-06-29 15:57:27 148KB 发光 描边 渲染管线 unity
看到论坛上很多同学问坐标转换的问题,什么屏幕坐标转世界坐标等等,看来很多同学都没有弄清楚图形管线是怎么回事。 一旦弄清楚了渲染管线,有关于这类的问题都可以迎刃而解。于是我用了两天的时间来完成这个OpenGL的教程,绝对的原创。 希望这篇教程能够给大家帮助~
2021-06-28 21:24:45 719KB opengl 渲染管线 坐标变换