2021-09-11 14:02:49 578KB 行业资料-交通装置-一种汽车AM
2021-06-24 22:03:06 2.5MB Matlab Simulink 仿真研究 汽车AMT系统
通过建立汽车 AMT 控制系统的被控对象模型并基于 Matlab/Simulink 设计了系统的控制器模型;同时建立了汽车 AMT 控制系统模型并仿真分析。
2021-05-07 11:00:17 312KB 汽车 AMT matlab
汽车AMT系统的MatlabSimulink建模与仿真-汽车AMT 系统的Simulink 建模与仿真.rar 文中首先建立汽车AMT 控制系统的被控对象模型(油门执行器模型、传动系统模型和离合器模型);其次基于Matlab/Simulink 设计系统的控制器模型。系统地建立了汽车AMT 控制系统的模型,仿真结果表明所建立的被控对象模型及所设计的控制器的合理性和可行性,从而为产品开发提供了依据。 Abstract: The models of the controlled objects of the automobile AMT control system were built, including throttle actuator model, transmission system model and clutch model. The controller models were designed based on Matlab/Simulink. The modeling of automobile AMT control system was set up .The simulation result indicates that the models of controlled objects and designed controllers are rational and feasible, which offers basis for the production exploitation.
2021-05-07 10:58:01 287KB matlab