CircularFillableLoaders This is an Android project allowing to realize a beautiful circular fillable loaders to be used for splashscreen for example. USAGE To make a circular fillable loaders add CircularFillableLoaders in your layout XML and add CircularFillableLoaders library in your project or you can also grab it via Gradle: implementation 'com.mikhaellopez:circularfillableloaders:1.3.2' XML You must use the following properties in your XML to change your CircularFillableLoaders.
2023-01-23 14:27:31 41.86MB Android代码
通过自定义View画出一个长按出现水漫效果进度条的按钮,当进度条满了进行接口回调,告诉当前运行的Activity,动画执行完毕。 详细解析博文: