Going beyond the conventional mathematics of probability theory, this study views the subject in a wider context. It discusses new results, along with applications of probability theory to a variety of problems. The book contains many exercises and is suitable for use as a textbook on graduate-level courses involving data analysis. Aimed at readers already familiar with applied mathematics at an advanced undergraduate level or higher, it is of interest to scientists concerned with inference from incomplete information. 本书将概率和统计推断融合在一起,用新的观点生动地描述了概率论在物理学、数学、经济学、化学和生物学等领域中的广泛应用,尤其是它阐述了贝叶斯理论的丰富应用,弥补了其他概率和统计教材的不足。全书分为两大部分。第一部分包括10章内容,讲解抽样理论、假设检验、参数估计等概率论的原理及其初等应用;第二部分包括12章内容,讲解概率论的高级应用,如在物理测量、通信理论中的应用。本书还附有大量习题,内容全面,体例完整。   本书内容不局限于某一特定领域,适合涉及数据分析的各领域工作者阅读,也可作为高年级本科生和研究生相关课程的教材。
2022-08-15 11:35:53 7.88MB Probability Theory 概率论沉思录
2021-08-04 09:39:03 7.84MB 概率论沉思录