采用STM32F407和XC6SLX9实现的采集显示电路。 主要功能:采集模拟视频,并在液晶屏上显示。采用视频解码器芯片TVP5151实现视频解码,采用FPGA(XC6SLX9)实现颜色空间转换液晶屏的控制时序,采用一片SDRAM(MT48LC16M16A2P-6A)作为显存,采用STM32F407实现视频解码器的初始化配置。板子还具有NAND Flash 、SD卡、实时时钟(DS3231M)、以太网接口(DP83848+HR911105)、USB接口(2路,全速和高速各1路)、1路RS232和2路RS422。 原理图+PCB截图: 附件内容截图:
2023-04-11 22:30:50 8.65MB 液晶屏 显示卡 电路方案
Windows 3.x 下少见的通用显示卡驱动,世所罕见,怀旧必须。 Windows 3.1 256 Color Display Driver Release Notes Copyright 1993 Microsoft Corporation -------------------------------------------------- This disk contains a new high-speed 256 color display driver for Windows 3.1 which supports most non-accelerated Super VGA display types. If you have a Video card other than what is listed below you may not want to use these drivers. For 800x600 256 colors and 1024x768 256 colorsresolutions you will need 1Mb of memory on you video card. You can install this driver by using Windows Setup to select one of the following display types: Super VGA 640x480 256 colors Super VGA 800x600 256 Large ; Large fonts Super VGA 800x600 256 Small ; Small fonts Super VGA 1024x768 256 Large ; Large fonts Super VGA 1024x768 256 Small ; Small fonts Displays supported by these selections include the following: ATI VGA series, including ATI VGA Wonder ATI VGA Wonder Plus ATI VGA Wonder 24XL Cirrus Logic VGA (6420, 5420 series) Oak Technology VGA (077 series) Paradise VGA, including Paradise VGA 1024 Paradise VGA Professional Trident VGA (8900C series) *, including Trident Impact Tseng VGA (ET4000 series) **, including: Boca VGA Cardinal VGA Diamond Speedstar series Everex Viewpoint series Metheus Premier VGA Orchid Prodesigner II Sigma VGA Legend STB Powergraph Video Seven VGA, including Video Seven FastWrite Video Seven 1024i Video Seven VRAM Video Seven VRAM II Western Digital VGA * NOTE: MS-DOS applications run on Trident adapters may not be restored correctly when switched back to full-screen mode from Windows. ** NOTE: MS-DOS applications run on some Tseng ET4000 adapters may not be restored correctly when switched back to full-screen mode from Windows. If this happens, use Windows Setup to select one of the ET4000 options. However, this may slow the operation of windowed MS-DOS applications.
2022-05-11 20:09:15 291KB 驱动 win3.x win3.1 win3.2
2021-12-28 18:03:14 140KB 市场占有率
[L-ink]电子墨水屏NFC智能卡片 这是为了解决个人使用IC卡时遇到的一些痛点设计的一个迷你NFC智能卡,基于STM32L051和ST25DV。 想着既然要自制这玩意那就往炫酷了做,于是很自觉地把电子墨水屏也加上了,顺手也写了个配套APP用于显示内容定制。 摘要是个比较有意思的小项目,方案不算复杂,第一版设计也存在一些值得改进的地方,后续有空会继续优化方案设计的。 演示视频 B站指路: ://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Cf4y1y7KT/ 项目文件说明 硬件:来源里面是电路原理图和PCB文件,使用Altium Designer打开;释放里面是gerber文件可以直接发给厂家打样,也包含了元器件BOM表(部分IC不太可能可能要单独购买)。 固件:STM32L051的固件,我提供了Clion和Keil两个版本的工程文件,源码内容是一致的,分两个版本只是因为个人
2021-12-25 16:25:44 99.9MB C