2023-07-23 11:19:43 2KB 优化提速
( 让Oracle跑得更快 2 基于海量数据的数据库设计与优化.pdf )(清晰中文完整版)
2023-01-31 15:59:13 31.2MB 数据库优化 海量数据 Oracle
2022-11-29 14:06:03 9KB mysql 优化 服务器
2022-10-12 21:03:17 387KB 达梦数据库 数据库 DM SQL优化
DB - Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System.pdf In a high level query and data manipulation language such as SQL, requests are stated non-procedurally, without reference to access paths. This paper describes how System R chooses access paths for both simple (single relation) and complex queries (such as joins), given a user specification of desired data as a boolean expression of predicates. System R is an experimental database management system developed to carry ..
2022-07-12 20:05:16 192KB 数据库 优化器
This doc describes a new extensible query optimization framework that resolves many of the shortcomings of the EXODUS and Volcano optimizer generators. In addition to extensibility, dynamic programming, and memorization based on and extended from the EXODUS and Volcano prototypes, this new optimizer provides (i) manipulation of operator arguments using rules or functions, (ii) operators that are both logical and physical for predicates etc., (iii) schema-specific rules for materialized views,
2022-07-12 20:05:14 44KB 数据库 优化器
DB - The Volcano Optimizer Generator - Extensibility and Efficient Search.pdf Emerging database application domains demand not only new functionality but also high performance. To satisfy these two requirements, the Volcano project provides efficient, extensible tools for query and request processing, particularly for object-oriented and scientific database systems. One of these tools is a new optimizer generator. Data model, logical algebra, physical algebra, and optimization rules are ...
2022-07-12 20:05:13 1.15MB 数据库 优化器
2022-06-12 11:03:36 54KB 文档资料
2022-06-07 11:03:52 431KB 文档资料
因现网 数据库在高并发请求时有出现性能问题,为缓解该问题MySQL新增线程池插件,对比MySQL新增线程池插件前后的性能,以及稳定情况。 本文档整理了性能测试的测试策略、测试方法,预估人力安排和时间安排,测试执行阶段将依照测试方案执行。 涉及MySQL新增线程池插件说明 mysql 数据库优化、性能压测、详细测试方案。
2022-05-12 22:03:27 3.26MB mysql 数据库 文档资料 database