2024-06-25 14:53:35 8.16MB 产品管理
敏捷产品开发,一百个人有一百种理解,敏捷本来就是一个集合性的名词,讲到敏捷大家可能会联想到:scrum、xp、测试驱动开发、看板、持续集成、持续重构、技术卓越等等这些词,还会联想到与价值观相关的部分,比如说:应对变化、自组织、适应性等等。 这样讲没有问题,但这对我们理解敏捷真正的含义并没有太多的作用。有一位软件工程界的宗师级人物曾说过:“如果你过去问我支不支持敏捷,我可能说支持或不支持,并给个理由,现在只能说支持了,因为现在敏捷指的就是软件开发中一切好的方面,如果有什么不好的东西那就表示不够敏捷。”这样的说法对于敏捷的推广或许有好处,
中文名: Scrum敏捷产品管理 原名: Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products that Customers Love 作者: Roman Pichler 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional书号: 978-0321605788发行时间: 2010年04月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: The First Guide to Scrum-Based Agile Product Management In Agile Product Management with Scrum, leading Scrum consultant Roman Pichler uses real-world examples to demonstrate how product owners can create successful products with Scrum. He describes a broad range of agile product management practices, including making agile product discovery work, taking advantage of emergent requirements, creating the minimal marketable product, leveraging early customer feedback, and working closely with the development team. Coverage includes Understanding the product owner’s role: what product owners do, how they do it, and the surprising implications Envisioning the product: creating a compelling product vision to galvanize and guide the team and stakeholders Grooming the product backlog: managing the product backlog effectively even for the most complex products Planning the release: bringing clarity to scheduling, budgeting, and functionality decisions Collaborating in sprint meetings: understanding the product owner’s role in sprint meetings, including the dos and don’ts Transitioning into product ownership: succeeding as a product owner and establishing the role in the enterprise 目录: Chapter 1. Understanding the Product Owner Role Chapter 2. Envisioning the Product Chapter 3. Working with the Product Backlog Chapter 4. Planning the Release Chapter 5. Collaborating in the Sprint Meetings Chapter 6. Transitioning into the Product Owner Role
2021-05-13 17:23:39 2.2MB Scrum 敏捷产品