FastReport企业版源代码6.6.17 支持10.4+ FastReport 简化管理工具2.0 FastReport 10.4
2022-12-14 19:04:01 57.12MB fastreport 支持10.4
Steema TeeChart Pro VCL FMX Source Code 2020.30支持10.4 SYDNEY. 支持10.4 安装方法请详见安装说明,不要装不上就说装不上,很多时候是方法不对,水平不行。
2021-11-29 11:24:58 27.02MB TeeChart Pro DELPHI 10.4
FastReport 6.6.17 Enterprise Source Code for Delphi7 and Delphi27 (10.4 Sydney) FastReport Package Simplification Management Toolkit by, version 2.0, 2020-5-27 What is Package simplification management ? As Fastreport include a stack of design package files, it is boring to install these packages manually, we need a easy way to work out it, here is my solution which may apply to any package management besides Fastreport: My solution, in a brief, copy all files of all packages in one folder which is named by a Environment varible %ProjectHome% which has following structure: %ProjectHome%\Bin for all BPL files of all packages, runtime and design time files %ProjectHome%\LibD7 for Delphi 7 Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) %ProjectHome%\LibD26 for Delphi XE 10 Rio Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) Each Delphi version related folder may have platform (Win32,Win64 etc.) and configuration (release or debug) specified subfolders. after that, double click REG files to import Delphi known design time packages. This toolkit include two sets: 1. Resource translation, this function is provided by res\FR4Trans.exe, res\frccEx.exe and res\Chinese\@Deploy.bat, besides Chinese it can work with any language 2. Package simplification management, it is functioned by @DelUnUsedFiles.bat,@Deploy.bat,@BuildAllPackages.bat and REG files in quickInstall folder All source code included, you can modified freely. Usage: step0: Make a backup of your fastreport source code, then copy all files in this folder to FastReport home folder. Step1: Execute recompile.exe to generate specified version related folder and files (Recompile all package first, then Change Language to Chinese or othor one). step2: Execute @DelUnUsedFiles.bat to delete unused files in the folder which step1 generated. step3: Execute @Deploy.bat to deploy all files to the project home folder. step4: Double Click reg files in quickInstall fol
2021-07-15 15:46:03 57.16MB FastReport 10.4
个人修改的 mydac 9.3.9 支持 D10.4 已经成功安装到 最新 的 delphi 10.4 上 ,存取速度快,无需DLL,支持各个版本 的 mysql, 非常好的 组件。
2021-06-08 10:30:25 8.14MB Delphi mysql full source