安装制作工具 Setup Factory,附有安装SN,非注册机
2022-11-04 21:48:02 36.84MB 安装制作 支持脚本
Android实时投屏软件支持脚本录制可以批量控制手机也可可以远程执行AutoJs。使用 Electron框架开发,亲测可同时连50台设备。 启动方法 获取代码后,将项目目录里面的libs解压到项目上一层目录 cd ./Aircontroller-scrcpy npm install npm start 启动 基本功能 投屏,电脑控制,锁屏,截图,虚拟按键,重启,关机 扩展功能 文本输入 远程投屏(不需要USB) 修改投屏尺寸 修改投屏图片质量 修改帧率 脚本录制,录制简单的动作脚本 auotJS-支持远程执行autojs脚本(前提要安装autojs) 按键映射 分组
2022-06-13 09:04:42 54.83MB android 投屏群控软件 支持脚本录制
开发窗体设计器并非易事,要求支持脚本也十分困难,但该程序利用MFC轻松实现了.该程序最大特点是简捷和结构清晰,充分利用了MS现有的技术,从中能了解到很多ms window程序内幕知识.
2022-05-23 15:29:30 1.03MB 窗体设计器 脚本支持 MFC
魔方演示程序,可用于娱乐或研究魔方规律,可运行脚本。 Python开发,可在Win10下运行。
2021-12-09 13:05:52 9.79MB 魔方 Python
Web大马爆破工具(支持脚本类型Asp Php Aspx Jsp)是一款免费使用的Web密码破解工具,可用于破解默认管理员密码,支持Asp、Php、Aspx、Jsp等脚本类型,并且附带视频教程,只要输入网址,即可一键破解web密码,需要的朋友欢迎下载使用!
2021-09-17 20:41:22 12.77MB 安全相关
Docklight Scripting is an extended edition of Docklight RS232 Terminal / RS232 Monitor. It features an easy-to-use scripting language, plus a built-in editor to create and run automated test jobs. A Docklight script allows you to execute all basic Docklight operations (sending predefined data sequences, detecting specific sequences within the incoming data stream, ...) and embed them in your own test code. Docklight Scripting is also network-enabled. Instead of using a serial COM port, Docklight Scripting can establish TCP connections (TCP client mode), accept a TCP connection on a local port (TCP server mode), or act as a UDP peer. Docklight Scripting gives you both flexibility and simplicity. Within minutes you can build your own automated testing tools and create: · time-controlled test jobs (e.g. sending a diagnostics command every 5 minutes and reporting an error, if the device response is not ok) · repeated test cycles (e.g. endurance testing for a motion control / drive system) · automatic device configuration scripts (e.g. resetting a RS232 device to factory defaults before delivery) · fault analysis tools for service and maintenance tasks (e.g. running a set of diagnostics commands and performing automatic fault analysis) · protocol testers with automatic checksum calculations (e.g. CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Codes) · Docklight startup scripts (e.g. automatically starting a COM port logging task at PC startup) Docklight Scripting uses the VBScript engine, allowing you to write your tests in a simple, well-known scripting language. Docklight's basic functions and features are made available through a small and convenient set of Docklight script commands.
2021-05-12 14:34:06 4.19MB Docklight Scripting RS232通信监视 脚本编程