我搜集的数理逻辑、形式化验证、模型检测方面的经典书籍:Operating System Security (Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust);Formal_Correctness_of_Security_Protocols;FUNDAMENTALS OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION;Course in Modal Logic;模态逻辑讲义
我搜集的数理逻辑、形式化验证、模型检测方面的经典书籍:Computability and Logic 5th Edition;Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions;Handbook of Philosophical Logic Volume 4;A first course in logic;计算理论简明纲要 (v1.1)
我搜集的数理逻辑、形式化验证、模型检测方面的经典书籍:Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems;A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory;Real-Time Systems Formal Specification and Automatic Verification;Computability Theory ;Computational Complexity A Modern Approach