Solid Mechanics is a collection of physical laws, mathematical techniques, and computer algorithms that can be used to predict the behavior of a solid material that is subjected to mechanical or thermal loading. The field has a wide range of applications, including 1. Geomechanics modeling the shape of planets; tectonics; and earthquake prediction; 2. Civil engineering designing foundations or structures; 3. Mechanical engineering designing load bearing components for vehicles; power generation and transmission; 4. Manufacturing engineering designing metal and polymer forming processes; machining, etc; 5. Biomechanics designing implants; bone mechanics; as well as modeling stress driven phenomena controlling celular and molecular processes; 6. Materials Science designing composites; alloy microstructures, thin films, and developing materials processing; 7. Microelectronics ------ designing failure resistant packaging and interconnects; 8. Nanotechnology stress driven self-assembly on surfaces; manufacturing processes such as nano-imprinting; modeling atomic-force microscope/sample interactions.
2021-05-13 17:11:52 16.24MB 应用固体力学
2020-01-22 03:07:39 16.24MB 应用固体力学