微光成像技术的核心在于采用不同于传统电荷耦合器件(CCD)的、能够对低光照响应的增强CCD(ICCD)图像传感器来获取目标图像信息。然而,在微光成像时,较差的光照条件与极低的光辐射量将导致目标图像质量(对比度及信噪比等)与正常环境相比有较大程度的下降,从而严重限制了其应用。因此,在分析微光图像特点(低信噪比、低对比度)的基础上,为了改善微光图像的质量和分辨率,提出了一种综合的微光图像增强算法,并且通过室外成像实验证明了该算法的有效性。研究表明,当环境照度降低到0.7 lx以下水平时,该算法依然有效。
2022-03-14 20:30:40 5.98MB 图像处理 微光图像 对比度增 增强电荷
Traditional speckle fringe patterns of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are obtained by adding, subtracting, or multiplying the speckle patterns recorded before and after the deformation. However, these speckle fringe patterns are of limited visibility, especially for addition and multiplication fringe patterns. We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns. The fringe pattern generated by our method is of high c
2021-02-26 11:04:33 598KB 电子散斑 条纹图 对比度增 相位测量