本工具为MicroStation V8i简体中文版完全破解文件,MicroStation 是国际上和AutoCAD齐名的二维和三维CAD设计软件,第一个版本由Bentley兄弟在1986年开发完成。其专用格式是DGN,并兼容AutoCAD的DWG/DXF等格式。 MicroStation是Bentley 工程软件系统有限公司在建筑、土木工程、交通运输、加工工厂、离散制造业、政府部门、公用事业和电讯网络等领域解决方案的基础平台。
2022-03-21 18:46:10 288KB ms
JBuilder 2008 R2 完全破解文件,完美破解,有协议,有企业版标志
2021-12-31 11:57:27 1.37MB JBuilder 2008 R2
绝对好用。。。 1.将sanctuary.jar和sanct8.jar复制到 JBuilder2008\jbuilder\eclipse\plugins\com.codegear.sanctuary.client.core_8.0.0.v20080318_1828 覆盖原有的文件。 2.jb2008.slip复制到 JBuilder2008\onfiguration_JBuilder\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\1302\1\.cp\com\codegear\jbuilder\license\license\ 覆盖原有的文件。 重新启动JBuilder 2008,OK!!! CodeGear JBuilder 2008 1.2.0_v20080331_2137 Enterprise activation crack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow these instructions precisely and there's good chance that you will succeed in "activating" the app. $JB2008_HOME in paths below references the JBuilder installation directory (where the product is.) 1. Download and install JBuilder 2008 Enterprise trial. That's going to take some time... and then a bit more... :) 2. Launch the app and wait until the activation dialog comes up. Click Cancel at this point and the app will exit saying that it won't run without a serial. As if we care... 3. Copy included sanct8.jar and sanctuary.jar into $JB2008_HOME/jbuilder/eclipse/plugins/com.codegear.sanctuary.client.core_8.0.0.v20080318_1828/ overwriting the files there (backup original files first if you feel unsafe.) 4. Copy included jb2008.slip file into (yeah, very long path...) $JB2008_HOME/configuration_JBuilder/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/1302/1/.cp/com/codegear/jbuilder/license/license/ overwriting the file there (backup original file first if you feel unsafe.) If you can't find the file at this location, search for *.slip in $JB2008_HOME/configuration_JBuilder/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/, the bundle path may change from install to install. Launch the app again and verify that you see Permanent license for JBuilder 2008 Enterprise in CodeGear Licensing window and no activation dialogs. About box should display Permanent license. Test it to your heart's content and see if everything works as expected. If anything goes wrong - well, tough luck. Just restore the backups you made in steps 3 and 4 and continue your 14 day trial. However, if you are successful, then Congratulations! You successfully overcame CodeGear's futile attempt to protect their intellectual property, violated applicable copyright laws and stripped CodeGear from some revenue. Sit back and relax, authorities will come for you shortly. Maybe... :) Oh, and if you can't follow the instructions above precisely and things don't work for you - tough luck either, but I don't think that a person who can't overwrite a few files should be using the product anyway... ;) Regards, /mg 换装JBuilder 2008 注册问题折腾了半天,分享一下。 1.装好JBuilder 2008启动出现: JBuilder 2008 License Registration Please specify a valid serial number to register your CodeGear product. 取消-退出了。 2.将网上找到的“Jbuilder2008 破解文件”中将“sanctuary.jar”覆盖过去。 启动,可以用,但重新打开工程时,出现 Error creating the view. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProduct.discoverProduct(PlatformProduct.java:139) at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProduct.createSanctuaryProduct(PlatformProduct.java:210) at com.borland.csf.internal.license.platform.PlatformProductDiscovery.completePlatformProductInitialization(PlatformProductDiscovery.java:91) 应该是破解不完全造成的。感慨:网上的一些误人啊... 3.又到网上Google中找找,在一外国网站中找到这个破解文件。 完全实现破解,因些特意发布与大家共享一下。 感谢CodeGear 。
2021-12-31 11:53:50 1.35MB java JBuilder 2008 破解文件
2021-11-21 19:42:24 5.91MB MATLAB 亲测可用
完全破解 installshield2015和InstallShield-教程.pdf 1. 拷贝ISUIServices.dll和license.lic到”安装目录\system\” 2. 双击打开压缩文件“Certificate.rar”,双击“InstallShield2015.cer” 3. 点击“安装证书” 4. 点击“下一步” 5. 选中“将所有的证书都放入下列存储” 6. 点击“浏览” 7. 选择“受信任的根证书颁发机构” 8. 点击“下一步” 9. 永远不要更新,否则激活消失
2021-08-15 09:12:52 1.6MB 破解与教程
这个笔者亲自验证,完全可以使用。绝非14天重置版。 官网下载地址: http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/xe5/delphicbuilder_xe5_upd2_win.iso 安装序列号 HNFK-BCN8NN-78N53D-H4RS 架构师版(14天试用) 破解办法 破解EXE 放在BIN 目录下然后依次从上到下的顺序点破解完成。 偶尔提示打开不了文件可以重复一下,多试几次就可以了。 win7 64 位下测试可以使用。 终于摆脱XE5 那个重置 15 天并且限制 1 小时的鸟功能了!!!!! 该破解软件仅限于个人学习使用,请不要用于商业应用。
2021-06-06 14:13:09 384KB Delphi EX5 破解
2021-03-25 13:02:52 1.13MB orcad16.2 完全破解文件
Altium Designer 6.0免装版 完全破解文件
2019-12-21 20:18:46 664KB Designer 6.0 完全破解
本工具为MicroStation V8i简体中文版完全破解文件,MicroStation 是国际上和AutoCAD齐名的二维和三维CAD设计软件,第一个版本由Bentley兄弟在1986年开发完成。其专用格式是DGN,并兼容AutoCAD的DWG/DXF等格式。 MicroStation是Bentley 工程软件系统有限公司在建筑、土木工程、交通运输、加工工厂、离散制造业、政府部门、公用事业和电讯网络等领域解决方案的基础平台。
2019-12-21 20:13:49 288KB MicroStation
2019-12-21 19:53:45 885KB matlab2014b 完全破解