Delphi 大数计算 单元(UBigIntsV2) 测试实例
This is a test program for Version 2 of our Big Integers unit (UBigIntsV2). It includes several enhancements and additions.
1. The Divide procedure is now many times faster than the previous version.
2.. Procedures and functions added in the version used by out BigFloat unit have been incorporated here.
3. The size of the "chunks" used to hold large integers can now range from 10 to 1,000,000 resulting in less space and faster
4. Viewer Hans Klein has written severl potentially useful procedures and functions which i have included in this version:
? Square ( X * X)
? SqRoot (Square root)
? ShiftRight (Fast divide by current base, return remainder)
? ShiftLeft (Fast multiply by current base)
? GCD (Greatest Common Denominator)
? IsOdd (Parity test)
? IsProbablyPrime (Miller Rabin primality test, identifies number as probably prime)
? ModPow (X^Y mod Z, used in Miller Rabin probabistic test for primes and in cryptographic key generation)
? InvMod (Used with ModPow in RSA cryptographic key generation)
Vist website or search the Internet for :'Miller Rabin', 'RSA', 'ModPow', or 'InvMod' for more information on these
functions and their usage..
Copyright? 2001-2005, Gary Darby,