利用java进行浮点型大数计算,支持四则运算和指数函数,三角函数,对数函数,双曲函数等运算,精度可调整。例如: MATH a=new MATH("1111.111111111111222222222222*33333333333); MATH b=a.eval("Sin(Pi())*Power(2,5));
2022-07-07 18:42:27 64KB java bignum
工具-支持库配置-数值计算支持库2.3版 需要勾选这个支持库,然后导入模块直接调用即可。
2022-05-09 18:30:48 5KB 易语言 大数运算 大数计算
C++ STL算法实现大数计算,VS2005可编译通过,解决溢出问题
2022-04-16 23:46:07 30KB 大数计算
2021-11-18 21:45:35 2KB 计算 大整数 源码
创建一个大整数类HugeInteger,该类用一个40个元素的数组来存放一个大整数(最多不超过40位)。 构造函数原型: HugeInteger(String); (1)定义几个大整数算术运算的成员函数,包括input、output、add和sub, add, sub的函数原型为 HugeInteger operation(HugeInteger) input的函数原型为 void input(String) 功能是改变大数的值为String的值。 output的函数原型为void output() 功能是将大数输出,即打印到屏幕上。 (2)定义几个大整数关系运算的成员函数,包括isEqualTo、isNotEqualTo、isGreaterThan、isLessThan、isGreaterThanOrEqualTo和isLessThanOrEqualTo。每个函数的返回值为布尔类型。 函数原型为 boolean operation(HugeInteger) 注意: 1. 大数运算需要考虑到正负,使用单独的变量存储符号位。 2. 大数的输入: 正数形式为”12345”,负数形式为”-123456” 3. 如果运算溢出,截取低40位结果。 4. 包名hugeinteger 中i为小写,类名HugeInteger中I为大写。
2021-11-02 00:22:45 6KB 大数计算
Delphi 大数计算 单元(UBigIntsV2) 测试实例 This is a test program for Version 2 of our Big Integers unit (UBigIntsV2). It includes several enhancements and additions. Notably: 1. The Divide procedure is now many times faster than the previous version. 2.. Procedures and functions added in the version used by out BigFloat unit have been incorporated here. 3. The size of the "chunks" used to hold large integers can now range from 10 to 1,000,000 resulting in less space and faster execution. 4. Viewer Hans Klein has written severl potentially useful procedures and functions which i have included in this version: ? Square ( X * X) ? SqRoot (Square root) ? ShiftRight (Fast divide by current base, return remainder) ? ShiftLeft (Fast multiply by current base) ? GCD (Greatest Common Denominator) ? IsOdd (Parity test) ? IsProbablyPrime (Miller Rabin primality test, identifies number as probably prime) ? ModPow (X^Y mod Z, used in Miller Rabin probabistic test for primes and in cryptographic key generation) ? InvMod (Used with ModPow in RSA cryptographic key generation) Vist Delphiforfun.org website or search the Internet for :'Miller Rabin', 'RSA', 'ModPow', or 'InvMod' for more information on these functions and their usage.. Copyright? 2001-2005, Gary Darby, www.DelphiForFun.org
2021-08-21 02:20:23 1.77MB Delphi 大数计算 单元 (UBigIntsV2)
js 处理大数据计算,bigdecimal的工具包
2021-08-04 18:06:38 11KB javascript js bigdecimal js大数计算
//计算2的n次方,n > 0。 const char *power2(unsigned n); //计算斐波那契数列第n项,n > 0。 const char * fib(unsigned n); //计算n的阶乘,n > 0。 const char * fac(unsigned n);
2021-06-30 13:02:09 36KB 大数计算
2021-05-22 19:13:27 17KB 大数计算