### 2023年全国大学生数学建模大赛C题知识点解析 #### 一、问题背景及重述 - **背景介绍**: - 在中国全面进入小康社会后,民众对高品质生活的需求日益增长,这对于传统生鲜超市而言既是机遇也是挑战。 - 蔬菜作为日常生活中的必需品之一,其保鲜周期短,且品质会随着时间的推移而降低。一旦当日未能售出,次日便难以继续售卖。 - 面对这一现状,超市需在不确定具体商品种类和进价的情况下做出合理的补货决策。 - 由于蔬菜种类繁多且来源不一,进货通常在凌晨完成,因此需要根据市场变化快速做出决策。 - **问题重述**: - 对于某超市的六个蔬菜类别(附件1),利用附件2和附件3提供的历史销售数据,构建模型以解决以下四个问题: 1. **销量分析**:分析各蔬菜品类和单品的销售规律及其相互关系。 2. **补货决策与定价**:预测销售量,并基于“成本加成定价”原则确定最优补货量与定价策略。 3. **单品预测与定价**:针对选定的30种单品,预测单日销量并确定最佳定价。 4. **综合策略制定**:结合供应端和消费端的因素,提出合理的补货和定价策略。 #### 二、数据预处理与分析方法 - **数据整合**:将附件中的四个数据集整合为单一数据集。 - **异常值处理**:剔除无效数据,使用3σ准则识别并移除异常值。 - **销量分析**: - **图表分析**:绘制各蔬菜销量分布图。 - **描述性统计**:计算平均值、标准差等统计量。 - **聚类分析**:利用K均值聚类算法对蔬菜进行分类。 - **频数分析**:分析各品类出现频率。 - **相关性分析**:通过皮尔逊相关系数分析蔬菜之间的相关性。 - **预测模型构建**: - **岭回归分析**:预测蔬菜销售总量及各品类销量。 - **ARIMA模型**:预测未来销售量和批发价。 - **定价策略**:基于成本加成定价原则确定各品类的最优定价。 - **遗传算法**:优化定价策略,寻找最大收益下的最优解。 #### 三、具体分析过程 - **销量分析**: - 将蔬菜分为三大类:日常主菜、辅菜、时令蔬菜。 - 发现花叶类、辣椒类和食用菌销量较大。 - 进行JB检验,验证销量是否符合正态分布。 - 皮尔逊相关性分析显示不同品类间的相关性。 - **补货决策与定价**: - 岭回归分析显示蔬菜销售总量与批发价、销售单价呈负相关。 - 计算加成率,确定合理定价范围。 - 使用ARIMA模型预测销售量和批发价。 - 结合预测结果和损耗率,计算最优补货量和定价。 - **单品预测与定价**: - 选取销量较大的30种单品。 - 运用ARIMA模型预测销量。 - 应用遗传算法确定最优定价。 - **综合策略制定**: - 供应链管理:收集产地数据,了解气候规律。 - 消费者行为研究:收集烹饪方式和消费者偏好数据。 - 制定合理的补货和定价策略,满足顾客需求。 #### 四、结论 - 通过对超市蔬菜销售数据的深入分析,本研究提出了有效的补货和定价策略。 - 通过构建预测模型和遗传算法优化,实现了蔬菜销量预测和定价策略的优化。 - 结合供应链管理和消费者行为分析,制定了更加灵活和高效的销售策略。 - 本研究不仅有助于提高超市的盈利能力,还能提升顾客满意度,促进超市长期稳定发展。
2024-08-22 13:23:53 2.53MB
2023-02-19 16:33:09 646.91MB 美赛 MCM ICM 优秀论文
summary: In this paper, we establish a regression model based on the passing network to evaluate the influence of team structure strategy and opponents’ counter-strategy on the match results. Fortask1,wefirstlistsomeHuskiesmatchstatisticsforthisseasonandanalyzetheteamin brief. Secondly, we construct a passingnetwork based on the number of passes and visualizes the passing network diagram of three games under three different coaches. We use these three diagrams to describe and compare the changes in Huskies’ strategies. After that, we identify network patterns of dyadic and triadic configurations and count 15 kinds of these two configurations in the above three matches, reflecting the structural indicators of the passing network. We also explore time scale and micro scale by giving the change of the team’s centroid over time in the first match and the Huskies’ 4 positions heat map over the season. For task 2, we construct the regression model not only introducing the basic data representing Huskies’ and opponents’ ability, but also extracting six independent variables from the indicators of the passing network into the model. Considering opponents’ counter-strategies, we also introduce the product interaction term between opponents’ data and network structure indicators. Through the training of regression model, we can judge whether the independent variables introduced have influence, what kind of influence and how much influence the independent variables introduced have on the result of the match. For task 3, by bringing in data for training, the model leaves 10 variables including interactionterms. Inordertoverifytheaccuracyofthemodel,weuseLeaveOneOutcrossvalidation, andthepredictedaccuracyoftheraceresultreached71.05%. Then,basedonthetrainedmodel, we point out the effective structural strategies Huskies currently have, such as the strong connection between the core players. Meanwhile, we also give specific advice for Huskies team to improve team success, such as the emphasis on triadic configurations among players. Fortask4,weextendthemodelappliedtohuskiestoallteamworkscenariosandintroduce the IPOI model. The IPOI model conducts multi-level induction of influencing factors and selection of assessment indicators from the four aspects of team input, process, output and reinput, taking into account team construction, operation, management, feedback and other aspects. WeconsiderthattheexistingHuskiemodelisprogresspartofIPOImodel,andweadd the evaluation system of input, output and reinput part, taking the university scientific research team modeling as an example. Insummary,ourmodelispracticalandreliableforhandlingnetwork-basedteamworkproblems in society. Keywords: football strategy, network science, regression analysis, IPOI model.
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