UofG_Robotics_TDP 格拉斯哥大学机器人团队设计项目 内容 用法 贡献 执照 接触 Robocup ROS工作区基础知识 前往robocup_ws(工作区): cd robocup_ws 构建依赖关系和程序包: catkin_make 采购项目,以便ROS可以找到所有软件包: source devel/setup.bash 进入/ src后,运行: roslaunch robocup_gazebo robocup_world.launch 运行游戏大师和游戏模拟器 采购基本ROS catkin_make工作区 源工作区构建 使用ROS启动: 转到工作区目录 roslaunch GameEngine game.launch 或使用ros run: 转到工作区目录 rosmaster rosrun GameEngine game_master.py ros
2022-02-25 16:25:11 28.48MB Python
E文原著。 2010年新书 Publisher: Springer Number Of Pages: 151 Publication Date: 2010-08-01 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1441963383 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781441963383 Product Description: This book describes best practices for successful FPGA design. It is the result of the author’s meetings with hundreds of customers on the challenges facing each of their FPGA design teams. By gaining an understanding into their design environments, processes, what works and what does not work, key areas of concern in implementing system designs have been identified and a recommended design methodology to overcome these challenges has been developed. This book’s content has a strong focus on design teams that are spread across sites. The goal being to increase the productivity of FPGA design teams by establishing a common methodology across design teams; enabling the exchange of design blocks across teams. overage includes the complete FPGA design flow, from the basics to advanced techniques.
2019-12-21 22:16:50 12.61MB FPGA VHDL 团队设计