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深入解析Windows操作系统 第7版 卷2(英文版)
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☆ 资源说明:☆ [Morgan Kaufmann] Maya 编程大全 卷1 英文版 [Morgan Kaufmann] Complete Maya Programming Volume 1 E Book ☆ 图书概要:☆ Learning Maya the world"s leading 3D animation and effects package is a challenge especially for those who want to master Maya"s versatile programming features in addition to its built in tools Finally here is a practical step by step guide that shows how to use Maya to its fullest potential beginning with the basics Readers of Complete Maya Programming will first gain a thorough understanding of Maya"s inner workings and then learn how to customize and extend Maya with scripts and plugins that take control and productivity to new levels ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] David Gould [出版机构] Morgan Kaufmann [出版日期] 2003年01月02日 [图书页数] 528页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式">☆ 资源说明:☆ [Morgan Kaufmann] Maya 编程大全 卷1 英文版 [Morgan Kaufmann] Complete Maya Programming Volume 1 E Book ☆ 图书概要:☆ Learning Maya the world"s leading 3D animation and effects package is a challenge especially for those who want to master Maya& [更多]
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2022-04-08 16:44:05 6.13MB Unix网络编程
现代无线系统射频电路实用设计卷II 英文版.pdf 本资料来源于网络公开资料,仅用于交流学习,请勿用于商业用途。如果有侵权请通知本人,本人将立即删除!
《UNIX Network Programming Volume 2》(Unix网络编程卷2英文版,djvu格式,带绿色小巧的阅读器) 原书名: UNIX Network Programming Volume 2:Interprocess Communications 2nd ed. 原出版社: Prentice Hall/Pearson 作者: W.Richard Stevens preface part 1. introduction chapter 1. introduction 1.1 introduction 3 1.2 processes, threads, and the sharing of information 5 1.3 persistence of ipc objects 6 1.4 name spaces 7 1.5 effect of fork, exec, and exit on ipc objects 9 1.6 error handling: wrapper functions 11 1.7 unix standards 13 1.8 road map to ipc examples in the text 15 1.9 summary 16 chapter 2. posix ipc 2.1 introduction 19 2.2 ipc names 19 2.3 creating and opening ipc channels 22 2.4 ipc permissions 25 2.5 summary 26 .chapter 3. system v ipc 3.1 introduction 27 3.2 key_t keys and ftok function 28 3.3 ipc_perm structure 30 3.4 creating and opening ipc channels 30 3.5 ipc permissions 32 3.6 identifier reuse 34 3.7 ipcs and ipcrm programs 36 3.8 kernel limits 36 3.9 summary 38 part 2. message passing chapter 4. pipes and fifos 4.1 introduction 43 4.2 a simple client--server example 43 4.3 pipes 44 4.4 full-duplex pipes 50 4.5 popen and pc1ose functions 52 4.6 fifos 54 4.7 additional properties of pipes and fifos 58 4.8 one server, multiple clients 60 4.9 iterative versus concurrent servers 66 4.10 streams and messages 67 4.11 pipe and fifo limits 72 4.12 summary 73 chapter 5. posix message oueues 5.1 introduction 75 5.2 mq_open, mq_c1ose, and mq_un1ink functions 76 5.3 mq_getattr and mq_setattr functions 79 5.4 mq_send and mq_receive functions 82 5.5 message queue limits 86 5.6 mq_notify function 87 5.7 posix realtime signals 98 5.8 implementation using memory-mapped i/o 106 5.9 summary 126 chapter 6. system v message queues 6.1 introduction 129 6.2 msgget function 130 6.3 msgsnd function 131 6.4 msgrcv function 132 6.5 msgctl function 134 6.6 simple programs 135 6.7 client-server example 140 6.8 multiplexing messages 142 6.9 message queues w
2021-04-05 18:34:38 6.13MB UNIX Network Programming Volume
深入解析Windows操作系统 卷1(英文版·第7版) 高清pdf版