时间序列分析预测小工具。自回归模型分析,卡尔曼滤波自回归模型,AIC, BIC, FPE, MDL, SBC, CAT, PHI自回归模型检验。The TSA toolbox is useful for analysing Time Series. - Stochastic Signal processing
- Autoregressive Model Identification
- adaptive autoregressive modelling using Kalman filtering
- multivariate autoregressive modelling
- maximum entropy spectral estimation
- matched (inverse) filter design
- Histogram analysis
- Calcution of the entropy of a time series
- Non-linear analysis (3rd order statistics)
- Test for UnitCircle- and Hurwitz- Polynomials
- multiple signal processing
- Several criteria (AIC, BIC, FPE, MDL, SBC, CAT, PHI) for
model order selection an autoregressive model are included.
- Fast algorithms are used
- missing values (encoded as NaN's) are considered