为节约能源,降低配电变压器的运行损耗,分析了变压器经济运行的基本原理,考虑了变压器之间的特性差异和变压器负荷随着时间变化的特点,利用VC 程序分析变压器在不同运行方式下的经济运行点,实现智能化选择变压器的经济运行方式,如在一定的负荷条件下,变压器应该采用单台运行还是多台运行,在多台运行情况下,是并列运行还是分列运行等,实现从变电站采集数据到选择运行方式的智能化过程,并且通过数据和图表的形式直观、清晰地给出选择结果,为变电站提供一套良好的决策系统。通过工程实例验证,得出结论:在不同的负荷下,变压器的经济运行点不同,不同运行方式存在着不同的经济运行区,当负荷落在该经济运行区中,该种运行方式就为最经济运行方式。
2023-03-08 15:25:44 572KB 变压器 经济运行 损耗 仿真 决策软件
地理信息在政府部门进行国民经济管理、防灾抗灾和政务信息管理方面发挥着重要作用。本文根据我国电子政务建设目标, 提出了基于地理信息系统( GIS) 与决策支持系统(DSS) 技术集成的空间辅助决策软件平台设计思路, 介绍了GIS 与DSS 在这一平台不同层次上实现集成的目标、实现方法和功能开发的技术路线。该平台在电子政务应用试点示范工程中获得成功应用, 为面向电子政务的地理信息系统开发探索了一条新途径。
2021-12-18 21:37:17 374KB GIS DSS
2021-11-22 20:40:40 7.33MB 多准则决策 工具
2021-10-12 22:22:36 56.1MB AHP决策软件
软件介绍: super decision是一款专门用于网络分析法的决策软件,也适用AHP层次分析法,功能强大。能够创建复杂的系统模型。压缩包内含注册码。解压后双击install.exe安装程序,如果无法运行,请尝试先安装vcredist_x86。资源内容:Code-SuperDecision.txtinstall.exeinstall.iniReadme.rtfSuperDecisions.msivcredist_x86.exe
2021-07-16 22:09:46 12.76MB 其他资源
The Xpress-Essentials manual tells you how to use Xpress-MP: chapter 2 describes Xpress-IVE, whilst chapters 5 and 6 give an introduction to the Mosel language. For a complete language reference, please refer to the Mosel Reference Manual. As this software is provided free of charge, we are unable to offer any support. However, from time to time new versions are made available from the Dash Optimization website - please check regularly. If you find this software useful for your studies, why not ask your professor to enquire about Dash's Academic Partner Program, which enables Xpress-MP to be used for teaching and research free of charge. Full details are on our web site under Education. Conditions: You may not use this software for any other purpose including teaching, research or any commercial activity. For the avoidance of doubt, commercial activity includes any activity which results in payment and/or commercial gain, or potential commercial gain, of any kind. If you are in any doubt whether your intended use is permitted you must contact Dash Optimization for guidance before using the software. Note that you may also download the latest student version of the software from dashoptimization.com Dash Optimization
2019-12-21 21:14:44 14.05MB Xpress-MP
super decision软件是美国SUPER DECISION公司联合SAATY教授开发的专门用于网络分析法的决策软件,由于AHP层次分析法是网络分析法的特例,故AHP也适用,功能十分强大,是复杂系统建模的绝好工具.
2019-12-21 21:05:54 12.76MB 用户决策软件