Design and build scalable web applications quickly This is an invaluable roadmap for meeting the rapid demand to deliver scalable applications in a startup environment. With a focus on core concepts and best practices rather than on individual languages, platforms, or technologies, Web Scalability for Startup Engineers describes how infrastructure and software architecture work together to support a scalable environment. You’ll learn, step by step, how scalable systems work and how to solve common challenges. Helpful diagrams are included throughout, and real-world examples illustrate the concepts presented. Even if you have limited time and resources, you can successfully develop and deliver robust, scalable web applications with help from this practical guide. Learn the key principles of good software design required for scalable systems Build the front-end layer to sustain the highest levels of concurrency and request rates Design and develop web services, including REST-ful APIs Enable a horizontally scalable data layer Implement caching best practices Leverage asynchronous processing, messaging, and event-driven architecture Structure, index, and store data for optimized search Explore other aspects of scalability, such as automation, project management, and agile teams
2021-10-28 10:22:55 18.46MB Scalability Web 伸缩性 可伸缩
新法 nova-faas是一个node.js库,可帮助您实现基于Rabbitmq服务发现的微服务和可伸缩性。 阅读 阅读 好处 想得更好! 想想吻! 面向配置的框架 github中只有一个整体项目 仅需维护一个整体项目 仅使用配置文件启动所需的服务 不可知论的命令和查询,它们只是必须的承诺 由于结构的原因,测试是独立的 根据需要部署和扩展您的微服务 自动服务发现! 谢谢rabbitmq 安装 $ npm i -S nova-faas 描述 当心,对于所有这些示例,您都需要在本地主机上运行rabbitmq。 服务器 服务器是主程序,首先需要启动。 因为项目是配置驱动的,所以您仅需要这些代码行即可连续启动所有选定的微服务。 球形图案 此语法将在此目录路径中加载所有位置,并附加1:1队列以执行Promise。 并附加两个1:N队列(对于成功事
2021-05-11 22:02:51 25KB JavaScript
C++教程网 大并发高性能高可用可伸缩性服务器开发视频教程
2019-12-21 21:04:25 81B C++