赫优讯 AS-I的SyCon配置手册pdf,This means you can configure the most important fieldbus systems likePROFIBUS, InterBus, CANopen, DeviceNet, ControlNet, SDS, AS-Interfaceetc. with the same tool
赫优讯 Siemens产品作为DP主站连接Hilscher的方法一pdf,This manual describes the configuration of an S7-300 PLC with CPU 315-2DP for PROFIBUS-DP Master to connect to a Hilscher PROFIBUS-DPSlave. The example describes the configuration for two bytes input and twobytes output.
赫优讯 工业以太网及串口协议的SyCon配置手册pdf,SyCon checks the dependenciesbetween the devices. SyCon only allows configurations that make sense. Incase of doubt SyCon will give you a warning.