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图解Ubuntu linux 下编译安装飞鸽传书IPMsg步骤,包括飞鸽传书源码的编译,可以借鉴学习linux下的网络编程技术
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There are eight directories, representing the eight chapters of the C# Primer text, in which Visual Studio.NET projects are stored. These have all been compiled under a post-Release Candidate, but before the final product release. So, conceivably, these projects may not compiler when you attempt to build them. If that is so, first check my home page for updates ( If your problem is not covered, please mail me at I don’t have a good organization for the ASP.NET projects. You may have to open your own, then copy in the form and code behind files. I’ll try to clean that up when I have time. The project listing under each chapter for this release looks as follows: Chapter 1: ArrayListHashtable Arrays BasicTypes FibonacciTries gcFinalize Strings SystemIO Chapter 2: Class Design Enum MatrixVector ParamPassing Stack WordCount Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming LibraryMaterial QueryManager Chapter 4: Interfaces binaryTree bitvector Fibonacci Chapter 5: System Framework Environment ExploreRegEx FileIO pathIO RegularExpression socketsClient socketsServer threads XmlDocument XmlDom XmlMisc XmlParse XmlSchema XPath Xslt Chapter 6: Windows.Forms Buttons DataGrid DialogMenu FileDialog HelloWindows HelloWindowsForms ListBox PictureBox Pictures XMLDataGrid Chapter 7: ASP.NET (incomplete) Figure 7_4 Figure 7_5 Figure 7_6 Chapter 8: The Common Language Runtime Assemblies Attributes collectionBinary ildasm reflection serialize tester timer Pictures Textfiles Xmlfiles
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