句子分类 该项目的目标是根据类型对句子进行分类: 陈述(陈述句) 问题(疑问句) 感叹号(感叹句) 命令(命令句) 以上每个广泛的句子类别都可以扩展,并且可以进行更深入的介绍。 这些网络和脚本的设计方式应该可以扩展,以对其他句子类型进行分类(如果提供了数据)。 它是为在应用开发的,并在上随附了有关构建实用/应用的神经网络的。 请随意添加PR,以自由更新,改进和使用! 安装 如果您有GPU,请安装CUDA和CuDNN(在您选择的系统上) 安装要求(在python 3上,python 2.x无效) pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user 执行: 预训练模型: python3 sentence_cnn_save.py models/cnn 要建立自己的模型: python3 sentence_cnn_save.py models/
2024-10-20 17:03:31 23.04MB neural-network fasttext
A step-by-step gentle journey through the mathematics of neural networks, and making your own using the Python computer language. Neural networks are a key element of deep learning and artificial intelligence, which today is capable of some truly impressive feats. Yet too few really understand how neural networks actually work. This guide will take you on a fun and unhurried journey, starting from very simple ideas, and gradually building up an understanding of how neural networks work. You won't need any mathematics beyond secondary school, and an accessible introduction to calculus is also included. The ambition of this guide is to make neural networks as accessible as possible to as many readers as possible - there are enough texts for advanced readers already! You'll learn to code in Python and make your own neural network, teaching it to recognise human handwritten numbers, and performing as well as professionally developed networks. Part 1 is about ideas. We introduce the mathematical ideas underlying the neural networks, gently with lots of illustrations and examples. Part 2 is practical. We introduce the popular and easy to learn Python programming language, and gradually builds up a neural network which can learn to recognise human handwritten numbers, easily getting it to perform as well as networks made by professionals. Part 3 extends these ideas further. We push the performance of our neural network to an industry leading 98% using only simple ideas and code, test the network on your own handwriting, take a privileged peek inside the mysterious mind of a neural network, and even get it all working on a Raspberry Pi. All the code in this has been tested to work on a Raspberry Pi Zero.
2024-01-13 11:04:46 4.97MB neural netwo machine lear
墨西哥帽子matlab代码神经网络算法 用MATLAB编写的神经网络算法 hebbian.m 该代码采用输入向量,权重,学习常数,并在每个阶段绘制更新后的权重 净额 代码将两个矩阵相乘 BAM_network.m 这个Matlab代码在以5x3的矩阵制作时为英语alphabects训练了双向联想存储网络的权重。 max_net.m 基于竞争的神经网络的具体示例。 可以用作子网来选择输入量最大的节点。 max_hat.m 该matlab代码采用以下参数输入n个输入神经元:->互连区域的半径->具有正互连的区域的半径->恒定c1->恒定c2->外部信号。 该代码对这些输入神经元执行墨西哥帽算法,并执行所需的次数。 hamming_net.m 这些网络可用于查找最接近双极性输入向量x的示例。 索姆 此代码已演示了Kohonen自组织图,也称为拓扑保留图算法。 lvq.m 该代码显示了线性向量量化算法的工作原理。 目前,代码将2类分类。 将对代码进行进一步的改进。 感知器 该代码显示了用于逻辑门的感知器学习算法的实现。 在最初阶段,已实现了“与门”,其输入值和目标输出可在代码中轻松修改。 它采
2023-11-26 17:31:59 7KB 系统开源
LazyProgrammer, "Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Modern Deep Learning in Python, Theano, and TensorFlow" 2016 | ASIN: B01FQDREOK | 52 pages | EPUB | 1 MB This is the 3rd part in my Data Science and Machine Learning series on Deep Learning in Python. At this point, you already know a lot about neural networks and deep learning, including not just the basics like backpropagation, but how to improve it using modern techniques like momentum and adaptive learning rates. You've already written deep neural networks in Theano and TensorFlow, and you know how to run code using the GPU. This book is all about how to use deep learning for computer vision using convolutional neural networks. These are the state of the art when it comes to image classification and they beat vanilla deep networks at tasks like MNIST. In this course we are going to up the ante and look at the StreetView House Number (SVHN) dataset - which uses larger color images at various angles - so things are going to get tougher both computationally and in terms of the difficulty of the classification task. But we will show that convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, are capable of handling the challenge! Because convolution is such a central part of this type of neural network, we are going to go in-depth on this topic. It has more applications than you might imagine, such as modeling artificial organs like the pancreas and the heart. I'm going to show you how to build convolutional filters that can be applied to audio, like the echo effect, and I'm going to show you how to build filters for image effects, like the Gaussian blur and edge detection. After describing the architecture of a convolutional neural network, we will jump straight into code, and I will show you how to extend the deep neural networks we built last time with just a few new functions to turn them into CNNs. We will then test their performance and show how convolutional neural networks written in both Theano and TensorFlow can outperform the accuracy of a plain neural network on the StreetView House Number dataset.
2023-10-26 06:03:37 1.21MB Python Neural Network
基于AI的地震信号检测器和鉴相器 描述 EQTransformer是基于AI的地震信号检测器和相位(P&S)拾取器,基于带有注意机制的深度神经网络。 它具有专门为地震信号设计的分层体系结构。 EQTransformer已经接受了全球地震数据的培训,可以同时高效地执行检测和到达时间的选择。 除了预测概率,它还可以提供估计的模型不确定性。 EQTransformer python 3软件包包括用于下载连续地震数据,进行预处理,执行地震信号检测以及使用预先训练的模型进行相位(P&S)拾取,构建和测试新模型以及执行简单的相位关联的模块。 开发人员:S. Mostafa Mousavi 链接 说明文件: : 论文: https : //rdcu.be/b58li 参考 Mousavi,SM,Ellsworth,WL,Zhu,W.,Chuang,L,Y。和Beroza,G,C。 Nat C
2023-05-04 10:43:53 31.34MB deep-learning neural-network detection earthquakes
敏锐模型动物园 Acuity模型动物园包含一组由Acuity工具包创建或转换的流行神经网络模型(来自Caffe,Tensorflow,PyTorch,TFLite,DarkNet或ONNX)。 模型查看器 Acuity使用JSON格式描述神经网络模型,并且我们提供了一个来帮助可视化数据流图。 从4.6.8开始,模型查看器是一部分。 分类 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( OriginModel ) Mobilenet-v2 ( OriginModel ) Mobilenet-v3 ( OriginModel ) EfficientNet ( OriginModel ) EfficientNet(EdgeTPU) ( OriginModel ) Nasnet-Large ( OriginModel ) Nasnet-Mobile ( Or
2023-05-03 14:32:56 1.64MB caffe deep-learning neural-network model-zoo
PyTextGCN 对TextGCN的重新实现。 此实现使用Cython进行文本到图形的转换,因此速度相当快。 图形和GCN基于库。 要求 该项目的构建具有: 的Python 3.8.5 Cython 0.29.21 CUDA 10.2(GPU支持可选) scikit学习0.23.2 pytorch 1.7.0 火炬几何1.6.3 海湾合作委员会9.3.0 nltk 3.5 scipy 1.5.2 至少Text2Graph模块也应该与这些库的其他版本一起使用。 安装 cython编译可以从项目的根目录执行: cd textgcn/lib/clib && python setup.py build_ext --inplace 用法 要从称为X的字符串列表(每个字符串包含一个文档的文本)中计算出图形,请创建名为y的标签列表以及测试索引test_idx的列表,只需运行:
神经元 并行神经网络微框架。 在阅读论文。 特征 任意形状和大小的密集、完全连接的神经网络 具有均方误差成本函数的反向传播 基于数据的并行性 几个激活函数 支持 32、64 和 128 位浮点数 入门 获取代码: git clone https://github.com/modern-fortran/neural-fortran cd neural-fortran 依赖项: Fortran 2018 兼容编译器 OpenCoarrays(可选,用于并行执行,仅限 GFortran) BLAS、MKL(可选) 使用 fpm 构建 以串行模式构建 fpm build --flag "-cpp -O3 -ffast-math fcoarray=single" 以并行模式构建 如果您使用 GFortran 并希望并行运行神经 fortran,则必须首先安装OpenCoarray
2023-04-19 17:15:26 16.22MB machine-learning neural-network fortran parallel
PyTorch + Catalyst实现的“ 。 该存储库处理培训过程。 为了进行推断,请检出GUI包装器:PyQT中的 。 该储存库已与合并为。 目录 要求 计算方式 我们在1050 Mobile和Tesla V100的两个GPU上运行了该程序。 我们没有进行任何基准测试,但是V100的速度大约提高了400倍。 它还取决于您下载的数据量。 因此,任何服务器级GPU都是可行的。 贮存 该程序确实会生成很多文件(下载和其他方式)。 每个音频文件的大小为96kiB。 对于7k独特的音频剪辑,并以70/30的比例进行火车和验证拆分,它占用了约120GiB的存储空间。 因此,如果您下载更多音频片段,则至少为1TB 。 记忆 至少需要4GB VRAM 。 它可以处理2个批处理大小。在20个批处理大小下,在两个GPU上,每个GPU占用16GiB VRAM。 设置 如果您使用的是Docker,则
OmniNet:用于多模式多任务学习的统一架构 OmniNet是用于多模式多任务学习的Transformer体系结构的统一和扩展版本。 单个OmniNet体系结构可以对几乎任何现实领域(文本,图像,视频)的多个输入进行编码,并能够跨多种任务进行异步多任务学习。 OmniNet体系结构包含多个称为神经外围设备的子网,用于将特定于域的输入编码为时空表示形式,并连接到称为中央神经处理器(CNP)的通用中央神经网络。 CNP实现了基于变压器的通用时空编码器和多任务解码器。 该存储库包含用于的官方Pytorch实施(Pramanik等)。 本文演示了OmniNet的一个实例,该实例经过联合训练以执行
2023-04-11 15:36:51 17.41MB nlp machine-learning deep-learning neural-network