Jian Zhang and Bernard Ghanem, "ISTA-Net: Interpretable Optimization-Inspired Deep Network for Image Compressive Sensing", CVPR 2018 论文训练数据集
2022-01-06 16:06:15 202.03MB 数据集
1.2 图像压缩技术现状与发展 1.2.1 图像压缩技术的研究现状 图像压缩的理论研究,是在香农(C. E. Shannon)信息论基础上开始的。1948 香 - 2 -
2021-12-28 20:51:41 866KB 图像压缩率
自我训练自我监督的流落感 结合自我训练和自我监督学习进行无监督的泄气检测 此存储库包含用于将自训练和自监督学习相结合以进行无监督流失检测的代码和模型(EMNLP 2020)。 所有代码和模型均已发布。 感谢您的耐心等待! 关于模型 我们发布了由伪数据和语法检查模型训练的自我监督模型。 请在以下链接中下载它,并将模型放在“ self_supervised_model”和“ grammar_check_model”文件夹中。 如何使用 conda create -n ss_disfluency python=3.7 conda activate ss_disfluency conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch cd transformers python setup.py insta
2021-12-28 16:03:44 1.24MB Python
ProNunciation Workshop_Training_Manual
2021-12-23 23:53:07 1.79MB Workshop Training
2021-12-21 14:53:44 9.75MB struts2框架
激光行业中及一些高精度需求的行业中关于硬件的介绍,包括软件的一些编译D A N G E R : This product contains potentially lethal voltages. To reduce the possibility of electrical shock, bodily injury, or death the following precautions must be followed. 1. Disconnect electrical power before servicing equipment. 2. Disconnect electrical power before performing any wiring. 3. Access to the Ndrive CP and component parts must be restricted while connected to a power source. 4. To minimize the possibility of electrical shock and bodily injury, extreme care must be exercised when any electrical circuits are in use. Suitable precautions and protection must be provided to warn and prevent persons from making contact with live circuits. 5. Install the Ndrive CP inside a rack or enclosure. 6. The shunt resistor temperature can exceed 70°C during normal operation and contains lethal voltage on its terminals and surface. It must be properly enclosed and shielded to avoid risk of fire and operator shock. 7. Do not connect or disconnect any electrical components or connecting cables while connected to a power source. 8. All components must be properly grounded in accordance with local electrical safety requirements. 9. Operator safeguarding
2021-12-20 21:09:46 6.18MB 驱动说明 硬件介绍 接口定义 应用方法
伊莱克特拉-火炬 详细介绍了一种用于快速训练语言模型的简单工作包装。 与普通的屏蔽语言建模相比,它可以将训练速度提高4倍,并且如果训练时间更长,最终可以达到更好的性能。 特别感谢抽出时间为GLUE复制了结果。 安装 $ pip install electra-pytorch 用法 以下示例使用了reformer-pytorch ,可以通过pip安装。 import torch from torch import nn from reformer_pytorch import ReformerLM from electra_pytorch import Electra # (1) instantiate the generator and discriminator, making sure that the generator is roughly a quarter to a half
QNX Hypervisor FuSa 实想培训材料。含有现有QNX Hypervisor框架。
2021-12-08 22:02:56 1.42MB FuSa QNX Hypervisor