Research on Collegial Faculty Re-development of Human Resource Vicegerent -System and Its Risk Management,冯用军,Guo Ruihua,We have achieved the stratagem transformation of the development phases of the higher education from the elite to the integrative phase of elite and massive in China, one key issue
IBM System z9:trade_mark: Business Class(z9 BC)充分利用了 System z9 平台的创新性,并能为包括中小型企业在内的广泛客户创造价值。z9 BC 提供低成本的入门点、细化的升级、灵活的配置、降速定价以及\"按需使用开关\",能满足传统和新工作负载不断增长和变化的需求。z9 BC 采用了 IBM 的 Parallel Sysplex:registered: 技术,该技术使您能灵活地解决业务问题。
涂层-基体系统热致开裂的影响参数研究,陈学军,刘琦,In this paper, the thermally driven edge-cracking behavior of a coating-substrate system has been investigated. The transient thermal stress field has been derived in a closed form