该资源为安装包,安装完后就可运行软件进行计算,包含光谱数据范例,免费下载(0积分) 导入光谱数据自动计算三刺激值,亮度值,CIE1931色坐标(x,y),CIE1960色坐标(u,v),CIE1976色坐标(u',v'),CCT(Tc,色温,相关色温)
2021-07-08 21:02:00 186.38MB 计算色温 光谱计算 计算色坐标 CIE1931
对2.15.0.0版本的一个改进。核心功能是采用qmmp框架,支持多种播放格式。支持多云音乐的下载与试听,支持歌词的检索下载,支持相似歌曲、艺术家、专辑、歌单的查找,支持音乐频道的收听和音乐频谱显示等等,支持均衡器和音效插件调节,总之是非常好的学习交流作品。 更多资源详见我的github https://github.com/Greedysky/TTKMusicplayer
2021-06-27 17:03:38 64.34MB qt qmmp spectrum mediaplayer
09年新书,很好的知无线电 网络中的频谱接入和管理,下面是IEEE的书评: The book is divided into three parts. Part one is a general introduction to wire- less communication systems, reviewing communication architectures and tech- nologies, as well as resource allocation protocols and dynamic spectrum access, discussing features, research challenges, and standardization. Part two is a further discussion on wireless system design with a focus on analysis of dynamic spectrum access systems. A brief introduction to signal processing and optimization tech- niques is presented, as well as basics of game theory and intelligent algorithms (e.g., machine learning, genetic algo- rithms, and fuzzy logic). Finally, part three discusses in detail dynamic spec- trum access and management. Models and architectures of dynamic spectrum access are introduced and described in detail. The authors first present the cen- tralized dynamic spectrum access model, and later focus on the distributed approach. Distributed dynamic spectrum access is discussed from the algorithmic and protocol perspectives in separate chapters. Finally, a spectrum trading model is presented with its applications to wireless communications. This book is a valuable source of information for people new to the con- cept of dynamic spectrum access. Also, scientists and engineers already involved in dynamic spectrum access research will find this book a good reference source. This is one of the few books on the mar- ket related to dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio written completely by the authors themselves. Therefore, it is very cohesive, has a very good flow, and does not repeat itself while intro- ducing new concepts, as do many edited books on a similar topic available on the market. Many concepts of dynamic spec- trum access are well systematized in the book, and the literature review is very broad and complete. One small draw- back is a bit too lengthy introduction to wireless communication systems in part two of the book (which can e
2021-06-23 09:51:16 3.07MB 感知无线电 Dynamic Spectrum Access
扩频通信最经典的教材,希望对你们有用! 长达一千两百多页的书,很厚实,也很沉重,大家慢慢享受吧
2021-06-23 01:01:50 5.16MB spread spectrum communications handbook
关于 这个工具箱是我自己用Matlab开发的。其目的是使时频分析和相关功能更容易执行。
2021-06-21 14:01:31 1.58MB 时频分析
2021-06-19 09:02:07 90KB 地震反应谱 地震波
2021-06-02 09:03:20 593KB 线粒体 自闭症
ZXVR是用于虚拟现实的ZX Spectrum模拟器。 它支持Oculus Rift,并模拟一个可以回顾80年代风格的房间,您拥有Spectrum和电视机,可以在其中玩Spectrum游戏。 还有电影院的屏幕表示。
2021-05-07 13:03:12 87.72MB 开源软件
对2.14.0.0版本的一个改进。核心功能是采用qmmp框架,支持多种播放格式。支持多云音乐的下载与试听,支持歌词的检索下载,支持相似歌曲、艺术家、专辑、歌单的查找,支持音乐频道的收听和音乐频谱显示等等,支持均衡器和音效插件调节,总之是非常好的学习交流作品。 更多资源详见我的github https://github.com/Greedysky/TTKMusicplayer
2021-05-03 09:04:02 63.47MB qt qmmp spectrum mediaplayer
Cooperative-Spectrum-Sensing-Using-Cognitive-Radio-master (1).zip
2021-05-02 18:00:15 24.35MB 认知无线电 频谱