The trade-off between system performance and energy efficiency (service time) is critical for battery-based embedded systems. Most of the previous work focuses on saving energy in a deterministic way by taking the average or worst scenario into account. However, such deterministic approaches usually
2021-02-09 09:06:59 536KB Probabilistic scheduling; real-time embedded
2021-02-01 14:38:05 32KB clojure scheduler scheduling quartz
Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling v2! Telegram-InstaPy-Scheduling是用于电报的机器人,可帮助用户安排 。 什么是新的? 同时运行多个脚本。 轻松配置脚本! 创建用户列表。 你需要什么 此仓库和所有requirements.txt已安装。 InstaPy在您的PC /服务器上工作。 电报机器人令牌。 如何设定 使用创建一个机器人。 重命名settings.json.dist => settings.json 。 联系并使用/ chatid命令获取您的聊天ID 将此仓库克隆到任何文件夹中 使用pip install -r requirements.txt 用您的数据填充settings.json 。 instapy_folder是您的InstaPy安装路径。 { "telegram_token": "xxxx", "instapy_folder": "/home/xxxx/GitHub/instapy_bot", "allowed_id": [ "chat_id from GiveChatId
2021-01-29 20:09:38 12KB python bot social instagram
Sequencing and scheduling is a form of decision-making that plays a crucial role in manufacturing and service industries. In the current competitive environment effective sequencing and scheduling has become a necessity for survival in the market-place. Companies have to meet shipping dates that have been committed to customers, as failure to do so may result in a significant loss of goodwill. They also have to schedule activities in such a way as to use the resources available in an efficient manner
2021-01-28 05:00:37 8.24MB 调度算法和理论
拥有整体的添加Scheduling 的AOMDV源代码,十分详细。对研究AOMDV协议的人来说十分有帮助,亲测,可以在ns2中编译成功。
2020-11-20 15:35:41 2.04MB AOMDV Scheduling 源代码 ns2
西电的操作系统课设2(优先级调度取代FCFS),含源码(整个Pintos内核都放进去了,在Pintos环境搭建好的情况下直接makefile可得结果)。该做法参考了【刘文东】学长的报告,我的主要就是实验方案讲得比较详细。毕竟自己做过一次知道哪里学长和老师没说清楚。 若需第三份,我也上传了,其中包含课设3(Priority_Donate)的报告和代码,欢迎下载。 课设最终成绩90+,不用担心质量。 最后一个提醒,每个学校OS课设不一样,我这个是将FCFS的线程调度方式改成优先级调度的方式。
2019-12-28 17:32:23 31.82MB Pintos 西电 课设 OS
2019-12-21 20:52:54 17.22MB 航空公司 运营与规划