RAD Studio 10.3.2 破解文件,delphi10.3.2破解文件
2021-05-21 11:09:04 865KB RAD Studio 10.3. delphi10.3.2
解压后,在RAD Studio 10.3中打开AbkDBStd10_1.dproj,编译后安装即可 一套不错的工业图表、显示控件
2021-05-11 10:17:04 2.6MB abakus 工控 界面 delphi
2021年最新版本,官方编译,无源码,解压缩即可,使用有点麻烦(下面有说明)。不想麻烦或者想用源码自己编译请移步:https://download.csdn.net/download/pp_haitun/13114619,下载DevExpress VCL 19.1.2 源码和DxAutoInstaller2.3.1编译。 This version has no any dcu files so Built .exe needs .bpl file(s) to run on target computer. It means you have to link with Runtime BPL packages from project options first.  这个版本没有任何dcu文件,所以内置的.exe需要.bpl文件才能在目标计算机上运行,这意味着你必须先从项目选项中链接到运行时BPL包。 For those who say "not working" ;) 对于那些说“不工作”人强调一下;) 1. Design   安装后 2. Goto your project Runtime Packages options. Check "Link With runtime...". Just Copy & Replace below package names into "Runtime Packages" editbox 转到你的项目运行时包选项。勾选 "与运行时链接Link With runtime...",复制并替换下面的包名到 "Runtime Packages运行时包 "编辑框中。 即在菜单project->Options... 添加DevExpress安装目录\Library\RS27\RuntimePackages.txt 文件中的内容 再次构建并运行。 (转自:https://blog.csdn.net/yhcad/article/details/116425698?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501)
2021-05-09 09:03:40 362.21MB DevExpressVCL DevExpress20.2.4
可以完美破解RAD.Studio.2010(delphi2010)的软件,亲测可以破解成功。注意适用于 RAD.Studio.2010.Update4 或者5.
2021-05-08 14:05:11 604KB RAD.Studio.2010 delphi
作为Embarcadero计划的一部分,10.4.2为FireMonkey提供了新的应用程序向导,该计划旨在通过扩展的ToolsAPI支持进一步开放IDE。这些可通过GetIt安装的向导允许RAD Studio开发人员通过向导接口指定大量参数,从零开始快速构建应用程序。这包括从众多预先构建的表单中进行选择,代表当今大多数应用程序中的关键屏幕,定义基本表单交互逻辑,选择应用程序主题,连接至众多数据库等的能力,而无需编写任何代码,但是可以通过编写Delphi或C ++代码进行完全自定义。通过提供现成的向导,团队可以大大减少团队中新的RAD Studio开发人员的融入时间,经验丰富的VCL&FMX开发人员可以利用它们以更有效的方式创建符合当今UI准则的令人惊叹的用户界面
2021-05-07 19:05:16 2KB Delphi 10.4.2 RADStudio
TMS VCL UI Pack for RAD Studio 10_4 Sydney 10_5_5_2 by [CS]
2021-05-05 11:03:33 174.17MB TMSVCLUIPack 10_5_5_2
TMS VCL UI Pack for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney
2021-04-24 18:02:53 175.74MB TMSVCLUIPack 10.4 v10.5.5
v10.5.5.0 New : function NumSuppressedRows: integer added in TAdvStringGrid New : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu BackgroundPicture implemented New : Head property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO New : BodyClass property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO New : AutoSize property added in TAdvGraphicCheckLabel Improved : Wait cursor handling in TWebUpdate wizard Improved : SortIndexes.Clear updates sort indicators Improved : Added AIncludeRows parameter to XYToColumn to include rows while detecting which column is located at X and Y coordinate in TAdvTreeView Fixed : TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel Height set when MinimumPanelHeight used in runtime creation Fixed : Regression with stricter date format checking in TAdvStringGrid Fixed : Rare issue with threading in TAdvSmartMessageBox() Fixed : Memory leak issue in TTreeList Fixed : Issue with vertical text align in TAdvTreeView Fixed : Issue with scrolling while list is not visible in TAdvGridDropDown Fixed : Issue with repainting speed buttons on TAdvSpinEdit with VCL styles Fixed : Issue with font color in combination wwith code block caption in TAdvCodeList Fixed : Issue with changing Enabled at design-time in TAdvSpinEdit Fixed : Issue with boolean filters for non-English Delphi in TDBAdvFilterPanel Fixed : Issue with badge positioning on buttons on ribbon Fixed : Issue with VCL styles based rendering in THTMLHint Fixed : Issue with TDBItemSource initialization Fixed : Issue when doing custom sort in Win64 in TAdvListView Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoohtListBox with initializing time when using VCL styles Fixed : DPI calculation when parent form is not Scaled
2021-04-22 15:03:23 174.15MB Delphi27
Version (4/16/2021) TwwDataGrid - Performance with most recent OS X/BigSur was noticeably slower in painting/scrolling. We recommend adding the following line of code to your project source before the initialize which uses metal graphics and is faster to paint. ​begin FMX.Types.GlobalUseMetal := True; // add this line. Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TMainDemoForm, MainDemoForm); end; ​ Note that also this build has a new method of painting the default text in the grid that is significantly faster even when metal is not used. If there are any unforeseen issues, you can return to the old behavior by adding this line of code in your main project source. ​ wwGlobalManager.InfoPowerControlsManager.TextPaintingNew:= false; Application.Initialize; ​ Note: You will need to add the units fmx.types to resolve the GlobalUseMetal reference and add fmx.wwmanager to resolve the TextPaintingNew reference. TwwDataGrid - Footer painting would incorrectly clear grid's data rows in some cases such as when the Imagecontrol property was assigned as the background image.. This problem is fixed. TwwLayoutGrid/TwwDataGrid - Retina painting on Mac OS X was not as sharp before for custom controls. TwwLayoutGrid - TwwEdit embedded in layout grid with a different font size (overridestylesettings.fontsize assigned) would paint text too large before in OSX. This problem is fixed. TwwListBox - Right Accessory icon would disappear if changing visibility of controls within the listbox during runtime. This problem is fixed.
2021-04-20 21:02:22 160.32MB SourceCode Delphi
The TMS VCL Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. In its user management features the TMS Security System relies on user/group profiles stored in a database. The users can be grouped and can inherit rights in this way. Thereby you can integrate a highly sophisticated and close grained user management that closes all potential loopholes via shortcuts with minimal effort. Only if the user has been granted the specific right by the administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by the administrator.
2021-04-20 13:02:33 1.73MB TMSVCLSecurity Delphi